Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Rutgers Gardens and Frank G. Helyar Woods

Rutgers Gardens is a place I never would have known about if I hadn't seen it on another blog, but when I found out that this botanical garden wasn't too far from us, we decided to check it out.

For more information about Rutgers Gardens and Helyar Woods, including maps, visit their website here.

Rutgers Gardens is open 365 days a year, and there's no entrance fee!  Not only do they host public events like farmers markets, but the Gardens also provide educational opportunities for Rutgers students.

Although it was smaller than I thought it would be, there was still plenty to look at.  There are several small gardens and groves of different tree types.  Cute benches are strategically located throughout the property.  We started at the bamboo garden and then headed to the shrub garden.  In a memorial garden we found these two massive Adirondack chairs, which Tom refused to climb in so I could get a picture of him (JK!).  There were also a couple lovely gazebos.

We then went over to Frank G. Helyar Woods, which is attached to the botanical garden.  Although there are smaller blazed trails, we stuck to the main Pond/Forest Trail (we tried one of the smaller trails, but it was overgrown with lots of downed trees).  The main trail was really easy to walk and pretty flat except for one drop down into a ravine.  At some points we could see glimpses of Westons Mill Pond.

After the pine forest the trail opens out into a meadow, and there's actually a small maze carved into the brush.  At this point in the year, the plant growth was probably about 3 feet high, so it would be fun for kids to run through while still being able to see them.

The main trail is less than a mile, so it didn't take us long to finish.  Although it was a short visit, I'm glad we checked out Rutgers Gardens.  And since it's free, I wouldn't mind coming back at different points during the year to see the flowers changing with the seasons.


  1. This place looks great! It's close to us too and I think Luna would love!

    1. Luna would definitely love it! And it's a manageable size.

  2. I love the woods so much! These are beautiful.

  3. Great photos! I’ve barely done any hiking this year because I’ve been busy. I miss it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's been too hot for hiking a lot here, but we've gotten a couple in. I want to do more, though!

  4. So very green and lush! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. LOVE IT! It really looks like somewhere I'd love to walk. Gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It was such a pretty little place.

  6. You were in my neck of the woods and at my alma mater too. I have two degrees from Rutgers, but must confess I have never been to the gardens. They look very lovely though.

    1. That's awesome! I drive around this area pretty often, and I never even knew they were there!

  7. This place looks amazing! It reminds me of Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, VA. I love to go there several times a year to see the different flowers blooming each season.

  8. What a beautiful place! It's a shame Tom refused to climb on one of the chairs, it would have been such a funny picure. Maybe next time :) I'm glad you both enjoyed this little trip!!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Haha, yes, hopefully next time! We did enjoy it, thank you!

  9. What a beautiful place, and such gorgeous pictures, thank you for sharing!

  10. Wow, that is beautiful. I lived in NJ for 26 years or so and didn't know about it till now! Awesome pictures. Glad you got to check it out.


    1. Thank you, Mary! I only just found out about this place, too!


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