Monday, March 12, 2018

My 3 Biggest Blogging Fears - And How I Plan To Overcome Them

I love being a book blogger, but sometimes it can give me a lot of anxiety!  Here are my three biggest blogging fears and how I plan to overcome them.

Fear #1: I'll run out of ideas
I love writing discussion posts and lists of recommendations, but I worry that one day I'll run out of ideas for original content.  We all know it's not easy coming up with ideas for posts.  I was going through this a bit in January - although I keep a list of potential ideas, I was really uninspired and I didn't have blog posts planned out far in advance like I normally do.

The Plan: 
Try not to do so much.  I don't need to have something original all the time, and I shouldn't put so much pressure on myself.  If I'm feeling a creative lull, it's okay to take a break once in awhile.  Plus, there are so many resources out there to take advantage of - I even have a whole board on Pinterest devoted to blogging resources.  I can take the time to go through them and find some inspiration.

Fear #2: People will stop reading
This kind of goes along with Fear #1 - I worry that if my content isn't appealing enough, people will stop reading my blog.  When I started this blog, I didn't expect that many people would even read it, and because I'll most likely never be a "big" blog, I appreciate all the readers I've gotten to this point.  I guess I have a fear of failure, that this hobby I work so hard on will flop.

The Plan:
Stop obsessing over my stats so much.  I know - easier said than done!  Even if I'm reaching only one person, that's still something.  Plus, there are ways to reach more potential readers - promote my posts more, better utilize social media, etc.  And I need to remind myself that the book blogging community is simply amazing and totally supportive.

Fear #3: I will offend someone
Part of me is afraid that I will state an unpopular opinion or dislike a hyped book, and someone will get offended by it.  A big argument/blow-up may ensue.  I just want everyone who reads to have a good time - I don't want to upset anyone!

The Plan:
There are two ways I can deal with this: write completely PC content all the time or write what I want and not worry so much about the consequences.  I would rather be able to give my opinion on things; this is my blog, after all, and I should feel free to say what I want (as long as it's respectful).  I need to remind myself that I'm never going to be able to please everyone all the time and that in general, there will always be someone who disagrees with me.  It's okay to be controversial; it's not okay to be disrespectful.

What are some of your blogging fears?  How do you deal with them?


  1. I have these exact same fears. I’m especially worried about the first one. I’ve been book blogging for 5 years, and sometimes I just don’t know what to post about. I spend a lot of time staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with something I haven’t done before.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I know! I try to keep a list of possible topics, but sometimes they just don't sound as good when I actually try to write the post.

  2. Ugh your first fear is one I have. I haven't written a discussion post in a long time. I do love to do lists and more personal posts though so that helps. I hope I get some more ideas at some point!! Glad you have a plan for all of these though. That is awesome!

    1. Thanks, Grace! I hope my plan helps for each of these. I think branching out and doing different kinds of posts will also help with that first fear.

  3. Fear number three is the one that I can relate to the most. Because nowadays, some people look for anything to get offended. And even if you state your opinion in a polite way and bring facts, chances are you`ll get attacked personally. Which I`m terrified of. But at the end of the day, we should all be able to express ourselves.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. Exactly, it seems like someone will argue with you for practically no reason. But you're right, these are our spaces and we should be able to say what we want.

  4. This was a good post! And I think we've all had these fears at one time or another. For me, the longer I blog (and I have definitely practiced taking breaks and coming-and-going), the more I feel that my blog reflects me, my reading, my opinions, my life. I have tweaked it and kind of feel like if it works for people, great. If it doesn't, they don't have to read it. I will say that I haven't had the 'offended' person situation, but honestly, that's why we have the 'delete' button. I would never intentionally be unkind, but these days, people seem to be all over the place in what they find offensive to them. Who could possibly predict? I enjoy blogs to find congenial 'readers' to talk books. Some people I've talked with for so many years that I know more about their personal lives, but some I don't. Good luck. You'll do fine. Don't stress too much. Take breaks or even repeat topics with some tweaks. And I'm one person who found your blog this year and am enjoying it very much! :-)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Kay! I've only been blogging for a couple years, so I think in some ways I'm still trying to find "myself" as a blogger, but I feel like I've found a pretty good space for myself. And I've definitely found that pretty much everyone who stops by is very friendly and open, so I haven't had the "offended" issue yet, it's just something that's on my mind.

  5. I worry too that one day I'll run out of things to say... but then I kind of just push that worry aside and tell myself I'll deal with that if/when that day comes. And I mean, I kinda feel like I always have something to say? Like, I'm always getting new thoughts from things as I read and whatnot, so maybe the worry is unfounded.

    And yes, I def worry about offending people. I'm trying to get better about that too and tell myself that it's my blog, it's my place to actually share my thoughts, so I shouldn't let the worry that a few people might unfollow or something stop me from talking about things I think are important.

    1. Yeah, so far I haven't run out of ideas, but I'm still fairly new at this. But taking inspiration from books or even conversations I've had with people about reading, etc. is something I should do more of.

      Yeah, I would hope that if I did offend someone, it wouldn't have a snowball effect. And, at the end of the day, no one is forcing anyone to read my blog!

  6. These all are so familiar. I think the worry of offending someone gets to me the most and you are right. Can’t please everyone. And there may always be someone who finds offense and none was ever meant. Great post.

    1. Thanks, Jenn! You're absolutely right, there are always going to be people who are looking for a reason to be offended, and I can't control that.

  7. I'm also worried sometimes that I'll offend someone but I try not to think about it too much. Especially since I've been getting more into reviewing nonfiction. Not everyone will have the same opinions as me and that's okay. But voices our own thoughts is too important in the end.

    1. Yes, I totally agree, it's important for us as bloggers to be able to express ourselves and talk about the things we want and start discussions. We're not all going to agree all the time, but that can be a good thing as long as everyone is open-minded!

  8. Yes to all three of these. I was practically banging my head against the wall trying to come up with my discussion post for this week, and one reason why it's hard, is that I stay away from certain topics because I am afraid of offending someone and then nobody reads my blog. BOOM! Three-in-one right there.

    1. Haha, Sam, you totally hit the trifecta! There are some topics I do tend to stay away from, but not just in my blog, in my everyday life, too.

  9. I'm just sitting here nodding my head the entire time I'm reading your post because I have all of these fears as well. I think it's great that you had a plan of attack on how to deal with each one of them too. Your Pinterest board is fantastic, by the way. I had no idea how many resources were out there.

    1. Ah, I'm so glad you can relate - it makes me feel a little better than other bloggers have gone through the same thing!

      Haha, you have no idea how many times I've googled "blog post ideas" - and then I started saving them to Pinterest so I didn't have to go looking for them again. There are so many bloggers out there who have put together lists of possible topics, and they want to share those with others.

  10. I think these are normal for bloggers to feel. I know I agree with these.

    1. Thanks, Ashlea! I'm glad we can all commiserate with each other on these!

  11. I've never used Pinterest for blogging resources per se, but I do find a lot of art on there that I like to share, so I guess in that sense I do. I get these though- it is hard to come up with content sometimes! And I like what you said about being controversial vs disrespectful. I think we all worry about that at times, and the internet being what it is lol you never know what's coming. But I agree- you just have to be yourself.

    1. Yeah, I found so many blogging resources from googling "blog post ideas," so it made sense for me to put them all in one place on Pinterest.

      Yes, the internet can be a scary place!

  12. I am feeling so much of this! It is so hard to be original sometimes. Right now I am stressing out about SEO for some reason. There is always something, right?! I do enjoy your blog and I honestly don't think that you need to worry about readership. ;)

    1. Aww, thank you so much! Yes, being original is really hard, but at the same time, sometimes I don't mind talking about topics that have been done before because I can put my own spin on them.

  13. OH YES to this post.I am feeling so stressed out sometimes about blogging and afraid that I won't ever find original ideas, the unique idea that will make me feel like I won the lottery, haha. I guess we can't always have THE idea and that's okay, too, we are not robots after all :)about the readership... it is SO hard to stay away from stats, but ultimately we feel better when we don't obsess about them too much... haven't found the silver lining there, but it's a work in progress for all of us, I am sure. and the blogging community is always so supportive, that's for sure :) x
    Great post! :)

    1. Yes, not obsessing over my stats is definitely a work in progress!

      I love finding that idea that I know other readers will love - that makes me feel successful!

      Thank you, Marie!

  14. I worry about those things too! Especially offending someone. I'd really hate for that to happen, but I do think most other bloggers feel the same.

    1. Maybe that's why the community is so friendly and supportive!

  15. This post is so incredibly relatable! I struggle with all three of those as well. One thing I want to start doing more of is write discussion posts because I love reading other people's and I have some ideas, but I just need to find the time. Sometimes it's just easier to write a review or do a meme. I'm also scared of offending someone, but I feel like what you said is very true - you can never please everyone so why obsess over it. Great post, Angela! :)

    1. Thanks, Lauren! I can't wait to read your discussion posts! I'm sure they will be great!

  16. Love this post, it is so relatable! I share pretty much all these fears and I am trying to let go of a lot of done (I know, easier said than done). Mostly I'm just trying to remind myself that it's okay. It's okay to not have a great creative post for a while. It's okay to see the stats go down. As long as I still love what I'm doing, it's all god. And as you said, the book blogging community is so friendly and supportive, and this really helps a lot :)

    1. Thank you, Lindsey! I know, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a hobby for me and it should be fun. If I need to take a break, I should.

  17. #3 hits home for me! I've been working very hard on caring less about what others think this year.

  18. This is a truly wonderful post. I relate to these all so much, but especially the last one. It can be so scary to write controversial stuff ;)

    1. Thank you, Amy! It can be, but you do it so well!

  19. Huh... I really thought I'd commented here! But I'm not seeing it! I was checking to see if I had a response!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. That's weird! I did check my spam comment box, some stuff has gotten caught up in there recently, but it's empty!

    2. Well what I basically wanted to say was thanks for being honest, and I think we all have similar fears. It's good that you are tackling yours head on and have a game plan!!

    3. Thank you, Di! I was even a little scared to write this post, but I knew it was something I wanted to get out there.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!