Friday, October 18, 2024

Quick Reviews

A Twisted Love Story by Samantha Downing (2023) 

Ivy and Wes have had an on-again, off-again relationship for 10 years - even though they've had some good times, it's a mostly toxic, dysfunctional relationship.  Years ago, during one of their many blow-out fights, an innocent bystander paid the price - and now, a detective is looking into it.  I'm slowly stepping back into the mystery/thriller genre, and this was a good one!  Wes and Ivy are so terrible together, but they just can't help themselves, and now their bad deeds are coming back to punish them.  I liked that the story moved back and forth between Ivy and Wes, because we definitely needed both of their POVs.  The pacing was really good, as well, although the story didn't have as many twists as I expected.  While there were some little surprises, it was a bit predictable - the main draw was watching how Ivy and Wes tried to stay one step ahead of the detective who seems determined to bring them down.  4 stars

What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez (2023)

After her parents' tragic deaths, Inez travels to Egypt to find out what happened to them and maybe even also continue their work, despite the efforts of her uncle and his assistant to stop her.  This one was a bit of a mixed bag.  Let's start with the things that didn't work for me - the fantasy elements and magic system.  I knew this was a fantasy going in, but much of these elements just felt hokey to me.  Everyday objects are imbued with magic and memories - the memories thing was cool, especially when Inez was able to access memories from Cleopatra, but the random objects that did magical things, like a shoe bursting into flame like a torch?  It felt silly.  The "romance" also felt a little off to me; Inez comes across as very young and naive, and her reactions to Whit were often immature.  But, I loved the setting - traveling through Egypt with Inez and the other characters, the archaeological dig, the history.  Parts reminded me of The Historian, which features another young woman searching for her father, history, and some mystical elements.  I think there were some good twists, and it definitely sets itself up well for the next installment.  4 stars

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  1. It's crazy that I still haven't read What the River Knows. I've had a copy since it came out.

  2. Both of these books are new-to-me. I am glad they were both solid and entertaining reads for you. And I agree that any sort of romance is improved with both perspectives.

  3. Hmm I had been considering What the River Knows. That shoe thing sounds a bit silly, I agree! Lol.

  4. I have been meaning to read What the River Knows. I am happy to see you liked it. I love the setting of Egypt. So unique!

  5. Wow, A Twisted Love Story sounds like it needs to be named A Toxic Love Story. I don't feel like I read enough books where the characters are just terrible people whose mistakes finally catch up to them. Something kind of satisfying about that type of story.


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