Thursday, August 1, 2024

Month in Review: July 2024


July was a very busy month - I feel like I'm still trying to recover!  We had some work done at the house - regrading our patio in the back to make it more level and fixing some holes in the foundation.  My in-laws came over for the 4th of July, and I have to laugh that Henry convinced them to walk down to the park with him in the 90 degree weather, while I stayed in the AC!  The biggest thing that happened this month was our trip to Illinois and Oklahoma.  We went to the Chicago area for our niece's wedding, which was at a beautiful arboretum, and stayed for a couple extra days to do some exploring.  My mom flew up from OK to help out with Henry during the wedding and it was so nice to be able to spend more time with her.  We went to the Brookfield Zoo and then spent a morning at Navy Pier in the city.  We visited the Children's Museum and took Henry for a ride on the Centennial Wheel, a huge Ferris wheel that he is still talking about!  We also visited Cloud Gate (the bean) and the Shedd Aquarium.  The weather was really hot and humid in Illinois and our last night there, we experienced some crazy storms - we even heard tornado sirens!  It was pretty scary.  We all camped out in the basement for an hour or so.  After that, we flew to Tulsa and stayed with my brother and his family for a few days (my mom lives nearby, so we got to spend more time with her!).  Henry had a great time with his cousins, going to the zoo, the Gathering Place (a huge public park/playground), swimming in the pool, and taking a "tunnel tour" in downtown Tulsa.  The day after we got back, we met Henry's cousins for a pirate boat adventure at the Jersey shore.  

Henry is enjoying his summer - his daycare has transitioned to "camp" for the summer, with lots of fun activities, crafts, snacks, and visitors (like Ariel!).  He is currently obsessed with flags, fans, and umbrellas.  He did an awesome job for his first time flying - I was so worried about everything that could go wrong, but he was so chill and relaxed (probably because he got to watch lots of Blippi and use his cool new headphones).  

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  1. Replies
    1. This was a reread for me and I loved it just as much as the first time around!

  2. So glad you mostly enjoyed your trip--minus the storms. Those are scary enough at home, but it must be crazy having to experience that while you're on a trip, expecting to relax! D:

    1. Yeah, it was definitely not something we normally experience, but thankfully everything was ok!

  3. Wow, that does sound like a busy month. Glad it was a good one and that Henry is having a great summer. :)

  4. Wow! You have had quite a busy summer. I love Chicago--glad you were able to visit and enjoy it. It sounds like you had a lot of family time, too, which is so nice. I have not read My Lady Jane, but I watched a few episodes on Amazon - so fun!

  5. Wow, that's a lot of stuff in one month. I'm glad Henry did well on the plane. I'm not brave enough to fly with Brooklyn. Everybody on that plane would want to murder us by the end of the flight.

    1. I really had very low expectations and he was amazing!

  6. Henry sounds like a trip! I was smiling and laughing reading about all his escapades. Isn't it amazing to see how your parents are with their grandchildren compared to how they were with you? I almost didn't recognize my parents.

    1. Aww, thanks, Sam! Haha, it really is funny to see our parents as grandparents. They seem so much more chill!

  7. What a great trip! Plenty of family time and fun things to do. The tornado sirens would have freaked me out, though!

    1. It definitely freaked me out - I had never heard one before!

  8. Whoa! Tornado sirens!? That's wild. I have zero experience and probably would be panicking. So glad that the little one was great on the plane. Always tough for young kids. It's been a really long time since I read My Lady Jane, but I remember it being a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed. Hope you enjoy your August!

    1. We occasionally have tornadoes where I live, but it's pretty rare, and we definitely don't have sirens. I didn't even know what it was at first! Thankfully, Henry slept through the whole thing!

  9. Indeed sounds like such a busy and intense month but also quite a lot of fun events. Glad to hear Henry's first plane ride went great. Hope you'll have a great August!


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