Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Goals for the Rest of 2023


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is reading goals we want to accomplish before the end of the year.  I didn't set any reading goals this year in an attempt to keep the pressure low (my reading is down a lot since having my son), but there are a few things I want to get done before the end of 2023!

  1. Finish the Arc of a Scythe series.  I've had The Toll, the third book in the series, on my shelves for way too long.  I'm still interested in reading it; now I just need to make the time for it.
  2. Read all my 2023 preorders.  For some reason, I tend to put off reading my preorders.  They are books I'm obviously super excited about, but maybe that also means my expectations are really high and I'm scared of being disappointed.  I've had really good luck so far this year with them, though, so I want to make it a priority to finish them.  I think I have two more - one just came out and another comes out in early November.
  3. Write more reviews.  I used to have reviews up every week, but now it's only once or twice a month at best.  So, I want to get into a better habit of reviewing more of what I'm reading.
  4. Read a few more books from my unread shelf.  I've been pretty good about reading my own books this year, but between borrowing stuff from my sister and buying new stuff myself, it looks like I've hardly made a dent.  I'm not going to put a specific number on it, but I want to at least get a few more out of the way before next year (when inevitably more will be added).
And since 10 goals was way too many for me to come up with, Michele has added a few of her own, too:
  1. Complete my Goodreads 2023 Reading Challenge.  My goal this year is 300 books and I’m a little over 60 away, so I’m confident I’ll reach it.  I also started a Goodreads account for my daughter – she’s only in second grade but I did a goal of 100 books for her this year and it’s helping her to stay excited about reading!
  2. Catch up on my book hauls.  I tend to read my purchased books in the order I haul them in and it was getting to the point where it could be almost a year before I got to the book.  If I am excited enough about a book to purchase it, I definitely want to read it sooner than that.  This year I have put a lot of effort into reading the books on my shelf and I’ve gotten it down to about 10 unread books.  Hopefully by the end of the year I will be reading a preordered or purchased book within a week or so of when it becomes mine.
  3. Get more current with my Kindle Unlimited titles.  I did some serious culling of my Kindle Unlimited Want to Read list on Amazon this year.  I love my Kindle Unlimited subscription but the possibilities to read are just endless.  I pruned my list down to the books I am most excited about and will move forward from there.  Like my book hauls, I want to try to read these books as close to their release dates as possible and I think I’m making good progress.  

What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year?


  1. Good luck with your goals!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  2. I am forever culling lists. I find many books that I have lost interest in on my many lists.

  3. Good luck with your goals! I'm all about keeping the pressure low as well, a good way to keep it fun :) Writing more reviews is a goal I do want to work on as well.

  4. It feels like I've barely made a dent in my own unread shelf as well, so very relatable. Good luck to both of you with these goals!

  5. Best of luck with your goals! Maybe I'm just lazy but I don't really have any reading goals for the rest of the year. lol

  6. Oh my gosh reviews- I hardly review anything any more lol!

  7. 300 books? WOW! I'm at 156 and I feel like all I ever do is read. Teach me your ways, reading Yoda!

    Good luck with all your goals and Happy TTT!

  8. Great list! Hope you are able to complete your goals for this year!

    Here’s my TTT

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  9. 300 books and you're a little over 60 away?! Impressive. Good luck!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday List.

  10. #4!! It's been a goal every year and I am thinking of trying to set a more definite goal in 2024 about trying to read one or two books a month that I own! Great list though! I think it's helpful to write it out.

  11. Good luck with your goals! I loved Arc of a Scythe.

  12. Good luck with all of these goals. I need to do some culling too.

  13. I'm so behind on reviews. Sometimes I go two weeks without posting one. So often when I finish a book I don't want to stop to write a review. I just want to jump into the next book!

  14. "Get more current with my Kindle Unlimited titles" - This might be an impossibility!

    Great list!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!