Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2024


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our bookish goals for 2024.  I didn't really set any goals last year as I was still trying to get back into the swing of reading after having Henry.  I'm slightly more confident now in how much I'm able to read, so I figured it would be a good time to set some goals!  Here are a few things I want to get done in 2024:

  1. Read 75 books.  I was able to read more than this last year, but I also had a month or two where my reading just skyrocketed and I can't predict that will happen again.  This is a good number for me as it averages to slightly more than 6 books per month, which I think is doable.
  2. Reread once a month.  I haven't reread anything in quite awhile, and that makes me a little sad.  My shelves are full of books I have loved and want to revisit, so I'm going to challenge myself to do one reread per month.
  3. Read at least six nonfiction books.  I barely read any nonfiction last year, which is unusual for me.  I didn't even participate in Nonfiction November because I felt I didn't have anything to contribute.  There are so many interesting-sounding nonfiction books on my TBR, and I want to make time for them in 2024.
  4. Finish the Bridgerton series.  I made good headway on it in 2023 and I only have two books left!
  5. Purge my shelves.  As always, my shelves are overflowing!  I want to curate a collection that's just full of those books I absolutely love and can't live without.  Plus, it'll make room for more books I'll inevitably buy during the year.
And because 10 is too many for me, I asked my sister to share some of her goals:

  1. Read 275 books.  This would make my Goodreads goal lower than 2023, but with my daughter getting older and having more activities and me wanting to cultivate hobbies outside of reading (puzzles, cycling, etc.), I feel good about this development. 
  2. Track my reading contemporaneously.  I created an excel tracker for myself in late 2023 so I could see the breakdown of my reading format (physical, audio, ebook) and the source of my books (hauls, library, Kindle Unlimited).  However, this meant I had to categorize over 300 books at once, which almost broke me.  In 2024 I'll make sure to update the tracker at least a couple times a month to make it easier.
  3. Binge author backlists via audio.  I've already identified a couple authors whose backlists I want to explore in 2024.  I like to be as current as possible with new releases via physical or ebooks, so I think consuming some of these backlist titles via audio will work out best here.
  4. Listen to 5 audiobooks with my hubby.  Despite the fact that he used to work at a well-known audiobook company, my husband is not a huge audiobook listener.  But we do have some road trips coming up in 2024 and audiobooks will be a good way to pass the time.  Finding titles that appeal to both of us can be a little challenging (although Neil DeGrasse Tyson and John Scalzi have been hits in the past), but I'm looking forward to it.

What are some of your bookish goals for 2024?


  1. Rereads are so much fun. Enjoy.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  2. These are great goals! Every year I hope to read more non-fiction but I do struggle with it. I hope you and your sister have fun achieving these goals and good luck! :)

  3. Good luck to both of you. All great goals. I track my reading as I read. I am pretty bad about going back and tracking which is why me and Storygraph never happened. That's too many places to track.

    1. Thanks, Sam! Yeah, Goodreads and an excel spreadsheet are enough for me!

  4. I definitely need to purge my shelves too. Desperately...

    1. Yeah, every once in awhile it just needs to be done!

  5. One of my goals is to keep up my Excel spreadsheet. If I stay on top of it, it will not be overwhelming.

    Great lists!

    1. Yes, definitely keeping track as you go along makes it easier!

  6. All of these are worthy goals for both you and your sister! Good luck to each of you! :-)

  7. Good luck with all your goals! I love the one for re-reading once a month. And I'm also planning to continue with the Bridgerton series, I want to at least read up until book four before the new season of the TV show releases :)

  8. I'd like to reread more often too. There are so many gems!

  9. Reading non-fiction more is such a good one. It's something I've always wished I was more into. I hope you succeed with all these goals!

  10. Good luck to both of you! I'd like to reread the Shades of Magic series this year. I love rereading.

    1. Me too, it has just fallen by the wayside for me!

  11. My husband and I listened to an audiobook together over the course of several road trips (It's a really long one) and really enjoyed the experience. It was fun to listen together and pause it whenever we wanted to comment on something or discuss a certain section/idea. We need to do that again on our next road trip. Good luck on all these!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  12. I love the goal to re-read books. I tend to do that when I need some comfort or I find myself thinking "man I want to read something similar to x..." and then I'm like why don't I just re-read X book instead xD Enjoy it!

  13. Love these goals! Your sister's goal is amazing. I wish I could read that many books. I am excited if I hit 100, thanks to audio books. I would love to finish the Bridgerton series, too. Love those books-such fun escapes and I cant wait for the new season of the show!

    1. I am really astounded at the number of books she reads!

  14. You both have some great goals for this year! I love the one about listening to audiobooks for backlist authors. I started doing that last year with some of my series I'm way behind on and it helped me actually make decent progress on several.

  15. I love your goal to reread once a month. I need to make that a priority, too.

    1. Thanks, Tanya! I hope I can keep up with it.


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