Monday, November 25, 2024

Nonfiction November 2024: New to Our TBR


It's the last week of Nonfiction November, and it has been a great month of nonfiction!  This week is "new to our TBR" and is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.  Life got a bit in the way this month and I didn't get to blog hop and find as many new books as I'd hoped to, but I did come across some very interesting ones, so thank you to the following bloggers for the new additions to my TBR!


  1. Good list! I added The Year Without Summer to my list, too.

  2. I actually remember a kid (when I was teaching) telling me about the year without summer. It was fascinating.

    1. I'm really looking forward to learning more!

  3. These all look amazing! I missed Nonfiction November. I'm kind of sad, but I'm also not sad because it makes my TBR list explode.

  4. With so many nonfiction posts to check out this month, I missed the one about The Other Ancient Civilisations: Decoding Archaeology’s Less Celebrated Cultures. So thanks for highlighting it again - sounds just like something I'd enjoy.

  5. I added so many titles to my TBR this November!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!