Thursday, February 1, 2024

Month in Review: January 2024


How are we already one full month into 2024?!  This month flew by for me.  Even though I managed to read 8 books, I was so busy that it was just a blur.  Work was crazy - our first tax deadline was at the end of January and it's one I am actually involved in, so quite a few extra hours were needed.  I also had to go into the office three times, which is way more than I ever go in.  It's nice to see everyone, but it's also a very long commute and I feel like I lose so much time in the car.  The weather was also wild this month.  We had our first significant snow in a couple years, and Henry loved it!  But, it also got bitterly cold for like a week, leading to a lot of ice.  Then we got a ton of rain and honestly it feels like we haven't seen sunshine in forever.

Henry is a busy bee, learning new words every day!  He has learned to say his name, although instead of Henry it sounds like "Harry," and he is constantly referring to himself in the third person - my independent toddler is always saying, "Henry do it."  It's adorable!  He was all about music this month - he loves to sing and dance, and he has all these toy instruments.  The drum is his favorite and he loves to have us "march" around the house with him.  I've had to sing Baby Shark more times than I can count!  He has also started calling me Mommy instead of Mama, and I'm not sure how I feel about this development. 

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?

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  1. Henry referring to himself in the third person sounds totally adorable!

  2. I love your Henry stories! Hmmm...changing from Mama to Mommy - growing up a little? I will tell you that kids will insist on doing that - ha! Mine is 41 now and how can I be old enough to have a daughter that age? Have a good week!

    1. Aww, thank you, Kay! I know, he is growing up too fast!

  3. So many milestones for Henry! Why do they always love the drum? Sounds like a lot of fun by you, and I think I would have mixed feelings about the mama/mommy thing, too. I feel you on the commute. I waste over 15 hours a week doing that.

    1. LOL probably because it's loud and easy to hit! Although, he does like the recorder, too, because it sounds like a train whistle!

  4. Aw that's cute! And The Chateau sounds delightfully tense!

  5. Third-person toddler talk is always so adorable. I've been curious about Kiss the Girl. I hope you enjoyed that one. Happy February!

    1. Haha, they are so funny when they are learning to talk! I didn't love Kiss the Girl, but my sister enjoyed it a lot!

  6. Aww, I'm glad Henry is doing well and learning all the words! I'm pretty sure Brooklyn still calls herself Brook-in. She still likes Baby Shark too. That song is like crack for children. They always want more Baby Shark.

    1. LOL it's so funny when they mispronounce words. I don't mind Baby Shark but I also don't want to sing it a hundred times in a row - and he only wants me to sing it, not dad!

  7. Sounds like you had a good month. I agree about the weather - absolutely wild - and now that we have had some sunny days, I am ready for spring, but I am sure it will snow again in PA. UGH! I love Abby Jimenez's novels - hope you enjoyed it! I also have been reading Percy with my boys. They loved the TV show and got inspired.

    1. I have really enjoyed all of Jimenez's books - I'm so glad I finally tried them! We really liked the Percy Jackson series, too!


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