Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Authors I Discovered in 2023


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is new-to-us authors we discovered in 2023.  This is always a fun list to put together because there always seems to be at least one major author that I've finally read for the first time, way after the rest of the world!  Here are some new-to-me authors I read in 2023:

  1. Emma Scott
  2. Melanie Harlow
  3. Kristy Woodson Harvey
  4. Alice Feeney
  5. Elsie Silver
  6. Olivia Dade
  7. Ashley Winstead
  8. Emma Straub
  9. Leddy Harper
  10. K. Bromberg

Who are some authors you read for the first time in 2023?


  1. I have actually read seven of these authors. Harvey is a new favorite. Songbirds just won my heart! I have been enjoying her backlist as well

    1. I do want to read more from her; my first book was a bit iffy but willing to try more!

  2. I'm so excited to see Kristy Woodson Harvey on your list. She is one of my favorites. Elsie Silver and Ashley Winstead were also new to me last year.

    1. I definitely want to read more from Harvey and Winstead!

  3. I haven't read any of these authors? Which one did you like the most?

  4. I've read a couple of books by a few of these authors. I do like Alice Feeney.

  5. I've only read Olivia Dade from your list, but I'm hoping to try Elsie Silver, Emma Scott and Alice Feeney in 2024!

  6. I love seeing Emma Scott included! I just love her emotional stories. I want to try Elsie Silver this year.

    1. I should try more from Emma Scott, I think my sister enjoys her too.

  7. Great list! Kristy Woodson Harvey is a good choice as well as Alice Feeney and Emma Straub! I hope to try even more new authors out this year.

    1. Yes, I already have my list of authors I want to try next!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!