Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2023 Reading Year in Review

Happy new year, everyone!  Yesterday I shared my top ten books of the year, so today I thought it would be fun to share some additional reading stats from the year.

Let's start with a look at Goodreads.  I read 95 books this year, which is way more than I thought I would!

I've always been really inspired by Aj at Read All The Things! and the cool end-of-year graphics she puts together, and this year, with help from her tutorial, I finally did it!  These are all pretty basic, but I thought they were fun to look at at!
It doesn't surprise me that I read more backlist than new releases this year.
This one just makes me laugh because of how lopsided it is!  I did read one book that had male and female co-authors, though!

I'm still reading a ton of romance, it seems!  I tried my best to fit each book into a genre category, although some of them fit into more than one, so decisions had to be made!

Since almost half of my books came from my unread shelf, it would seem I did okay with that goal!

Do you have any interesting or fun stats from your 2023 reading year?


  1. These graphics are so cool! The female author vs. male author graphic is pretty much the same as mine--hilarious!

  2. I love that you read more backlist books in 2023 than new releases. I hope to do that this year too.

    1. Ha, I'm always just so far behind! I don't think I read a 2023 book until May!

  3. I love you you read more backlist books than new. I always strive to do that, too.

    1. I'm just always trying to catch up! Haha, backlist for me also means the previous year, so it's kind of cheating a little.

  4. Oooh I love reading stats! I've been slowly trying to work on mine and get them up, haha, but it's taking me a while. 95 is awesome, wow! I used to read way more backlist than I do now, I really want to get back to that more. And way to represent the female authors, that's pretty neat. You did an amazing job with reading things from your unread shelf! I also always love seeing all the genres–and I agree it's hard fitting books into categories sometimes when they have crossover. This was so fun, I'm glad you shared!

    1. Thanks so much, Jordan! It was interesting to see the genre breakdown. I know a read a lot of romance and for some reason thought it would actually be a higher percentage!

  5. It's not intentional, but I also read a LOT of female authors. I guess I am just drawn to their stories. Though, I found a male author I really enjoyed last year - Ethan Joella. His books are lovely.

    1. I do have a couple male authors I enjoy - Blake Crouch, Erik Larson - but since I read a lot of romance/historical fiction/women's fiction, those are dominated by women.

  6. Wow, you did great with getting through your backlist in 2023!

  7. Congrats on reading 95 books! I think this is the first year in recorded history that I've read more male authors than female. I'm still working on my stats post because it takes forever to make.

    1. LOL I did create some pretty basic ones! I don't think I even have that many male authors on my TBR, so I don't think I would ever read more!

  8. I don't keep stats myself, but I love reading these posts and love the graphs! Also, congrats on reading so many backlist books last year!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!