
Friday, April 2, 2021

Month in Review: March 2021

March was a pretty quiet month around here.  We had a lot of really nice weather, so we took advantage of it and went for afternoon walks almost every day.  My niece had a sleepover at my mom's house one weekend, and since she lives nearby, I spent the afternoon with them, going to the playground and crafting, painting rocks to look like ladybugs.  Tom made a traditional meal for St. Patrick's Day, which is basically his favorite holiday of the year.  While most of my co-workers are busy with tax season, I'm in kind of a quiet time, so I attended some educational webinars and caught up on other projects.

It's hard to believe that it's officially been a year since the pandemic started.  Tom and I are both still working from home, and we don't see that changing soon.  He is eligible to get a vaccine through his employer but hasn't made an appointment just yet.
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  1. Quiet months are good. It is hard to believe we’ve been living with a pandemic for a year. I remember canceling a bunch of plans when it started and thinking I’d be able to reschedule them a few months later. Nope. They still haven’t happened. I hope you have a great April!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. It really was a quiet month, I'm glad you were able to catch up on some project. :) It sounds fun to have a nice meal for St. Patrick's Day. It looks like you had a great reading month! I've been really curious about The Lady Rogue and The Castle on Sunset. Especially since I think I now live like less than ten miles from the Chateau Marmont? (Not that that really means anything, but it makes it more fun in a way, haha!)

    1. Whoa, that's really cool! It was definitely a fun read with all the anecdotes about celebrities!

  3. You read some good books last month. Addie Larue is on my list. Wasn't able to get to it when I had it from the library, but will try again.

    March was a long month, but good overall. My husband is fully vaccinated now and I've got my second shot coming up next week... then we can begin to take baby steps back to normal. Not sure I even remember what that was like.

    1. That's fantastic that you both are almost fully vaccinated! I totally agree with barely remembering what it was like before!

  4. Quiet months are kinda nice and it looks like you had a good reading month! Hope you have a good month of April as well.

    1. They definitely are, Stephanie! Thank you!

  5. You read Love and Other Words. One of my faves. I hope you didn't hate it. I was just thinking about how I have been home for a year. It's crazy.

    1. I have to be honest, I didn't love it, but my sister did!

  6. I'm 70% into The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and I'm loving it! Just added Only When It's Us to my TBR after seeing it on here. ;) The Lady Rogue was a really fun one, too. Jenn Bennett is my JAM.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  7. Nice reading list! Which one did you prefer?
    What type of educational webinars have you attended? Are you going to do a post on them?

    1. Like You Love Me was definitely my favorite of the month! The webinars were work-related; since I started a new job last year in a completely new field, I'm trying to learn as much as I can!

  8. That's nice that you guys can work from home. I think the more people that can the better, just in terms of mitigating spread. Hopefully with vaccination we can see some end in sight. And it is nice to have spring finally!

    Hope your April gets off to a great start!

    1. Yes, it's been nice working from home, although sometimes it feels like we never leave!

      Thanks, Greg!

  9. So many books! There was good weather over here too, we had a barbecue straight away and I enjoyed the evening with a book in the back garden.

    How many books have you read so far? Looks like you're doing good!

    1. I think I'm up to about 40 books this year, and I've had so many good reads!

      Ahh, I love getting outside for BBQs and reading when it's nice!

  10. I really need to add some more walks into my life! Now that the weather has gotten nicer, I am looking forward to being outside. Sounds like you have had a great month in books!:)

    1. It's so nice to get out into the fresh air after a day of working inside!

  11. Me and The Husband were just recently talking about how it's now been just over a year of this. Had someone told us at the time that we'd be still be in the same boat in a year no way would I have believed them!

    1. I know, it's really wild! I figured a few weeks maybe, never this long!

  12. It really is hard to believe we've been living with this for a whole year now. I keep wondering how much longer I'm going to be allowed to work from home. I've gotten so used to it that I kind of never want to go back to the office, lol.

    1. I know! I've never actually worked in my office, since I started my job during the pandemic.

  13. It's definitely hard to believe this pandemic has been going on for a year already. I remember thinking at first that I'd be back at the office after two weeks. It definitely too a little longer! :)
    Looks like you had a good reading month though and a quiet month every now and then is nice too!

    1. Oh, I know! We had a small trip planned and I kept saying, oh, we won't need to cancel, and then we had to!


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