
Monday, April 5, 2021

Battle of the Book Covers #4

In Battle of the Book Covers, I pick one book, compile a bunch of different international covers, and choose my favorite - and I'd love for you to weigh in, too!  (Thank you to Heather at Random Redheaded Ramblings, who put together a list of 25 book blog post ideas, for the inspiration!)
For this edition, I'm going back to 2016 for Fiona Davis' debut novel, The Dollhouse.  Fiona Davis writes beautiful historical fiction novels set in iconic New York City buildings, and their covers generally feature a picture of the subject building, which in this case is the Barbizon Hotel. 

2016 US // 2017 Bulgarian // 2017 Dutch

2017 German // 2017 Italian // 2018 Norwegian

While I love the viewpoint of the German edition and the glamour of the Italian cover, I think my favorite is...

The 2016 US cover!  I love the grayscale with the pops of red.  I think this might have been based on an actual postcard, but I'm not 100% sure!

Which is your favorite?
 * This post contains affiliate links; I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases, at no cost to you.


  1. Picking a favorite is always so hard! I'm torn between the 2016 US and 2017 German one. I can't choose. 😅

    1. Haha, I know, it's always a really hard choice for me, too!

  2. For some reason, the Bulgarian cover jumped right out at me. That's definitely my favorite.

  3. I love the 2016 U.S. cover and I also really like the 2018 Norwegian, mainly because of the bridge she is standing on.

  4. I love these posts! I really like the US and the Norwegian covers.

  5. The 2016 US one is my favorite as well! Though the 2017 German one is a close second :)

  6. I love when they do that splash of color in a black and white picture. The German cover is great too.

  7. The Bulgarian cover is also beautiful!

  8. Nice covers. I like the first one and the Norwegian one a lot.

  9. That would be my favorite too, though I have not read the book, and maybe my thoughts would be different if I had. This is a cool idea of post

  10. I like your choice as my number two. My first choice would be the blonde woman in red looking out over the balcony.

  11. I think that German and Norwegian covers are my favourite. Although I don't dislike any of them. :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!