
Friday, November 1, 2019

Month in Review: October 2019

October is one of my favorite months, and this one did not disappoint!  While it was a little quieter than past months, we still had a lot of fun.

To celebrate our 6th anniversary, we spent a weekend in Connecticut, hiking and taking in all the fall foliage!  I also stopped in a cute bookstore and couldn't resist buying some new reads!

My husband has been looking forward to a second Zombieland movie since the first came out years ago, so of course we had to go see Zombieland: Double Tap when it came out.  It was good, but I definitely prefer the first one!  Also, except for Abigail Breslin, it seemed like none of the cast had aged a bit!

I don't know how, but Team Outlaw is still #1 in fantasy football!  We are 8-0!  I'm pretty shocked, but I don't expect this run of good luck to last.

While we had perfect weather in Connecticut, a good portion of the month was rainy, and that included Halloween.  The rain and wind really cut down on the number of trick-or-treaters we got - but that means more candy for me!

The Books

The Lantern's Ember // Fall of Poppies // My Lovely Wife (audio) // Maybe in Another Life (#ReadForGrace, reread)

The Turn of the Key //  The Babysitter's Coven (review to come) // The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (review to come) // Vox (audio)

House of Salt and Sorrows (review to come) // American Duchess (review to come) // The Husband Hunters (review to come)

The Posts and Reviews


  1. Sounds like October was a great month for you - fun stuff happening plus good books. :) I liked By Your Side, and I'm reading Bromance right now. I adore Taylor Jenkins Reid but haven't got to Maybe in Another Life Yet.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Thanks, Tanya! I hope you love Maybe in Another Life when you get to it!

  2. What a fun month - now on to the holiday season!

  3. Congrats on getting so much reading done! We didn’t get any trick-or-treaters because we live on a side street, and it was so cold last night! There was snow on the ground. Happy November!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! I ended up bringing most of my leftover candy to work so I don't end up eating it all!

  4. Happy anniversary! I'm glad you had a great month.

  5. I hope you fantasy football team stays on top. My brother-in-law always wins a lot of money doing that stuff. Mo money, mo books.

    1. Thanks, Sam! We unfortunately don't play for money, just a bronze pig statute!

  6. Looks like you had a great month. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the fall weather and stumbled upon a nice little bookshop!

    I was in my friends town lately and she knows me so well, she had to DRAG me away from all the nice bookshops....

    1. Haha, I know that all too well, I could tell my husband was getting a little antsy!

  7. Best of luck with your Fantasy Football team. That's impressive that you're in first place. :)

  8. I am sure the fall leaves were stunning. You have so good books up there. I liked House of Salt and Sorrows and The Turn of the Key, I hope you do too.

  9. Awesome recap!! And happy belated anniversary! :)

  10. Same here with Halloween! The weather was atrocious.

    I really liked An Unwanted Guest, and can't wait to see what you thought of Long Way To A Small Angry Planet.

  11. Happy belated anniversary! It seems like you had a lovely reading month! I read Maybe In Another Life a couple days ago and really enjoyed it :)
    I hope you'll have a lovely November :)

    1. Thanks, Marie! So glad to hear you enjoyed Maybe in Another Life - it's one of my favorites!


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