
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Book Haul #5

I've been pretty good about not buying too many books this year, but I went a little crazy recently!  I blame most of it on coming across a library book sale while we were in Connecticut a couple weeks ago!




Have you read any of these?


  1. How to Survive a Horror Movie looks interesting and probably funny. I've been curious of The Nest since I see it a lot. The Girl Who Reads on the Métro also looks interesting just because it's a book about a book reader. Kind of my thing.
    Hope you enjoy your new reads, Angela! :)

    1. Thank you! The Girl Who Reads on the Metro was totally an impulse buy, but I love books about readers!

  2. I read On the Island years ago when it first came out and it has really stayed with me. I keep meaning to reread it but it just hasn't happened yet.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  3. Oooooh The Masterpiece! That one is on my wishlist. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. :D

    1. I've actually already read it and wanted a copy because I'm going to see the author speak this weekend! I think it's my favorite of hers!

  4. Undomesticated Goddess was such a hit for me. Probably one of my faves. I have heard great things about Once on this Island too. Enjoy your haul!

    1. Thanks, Sam! I think that's one of the few Sophie Kinsella books I haven't read.

  5. That is a fantastic haul!! I have always wanted to read The Nest. I hope that you enjoy all of these. :)

  6. I am currently reading hte Girl Who reads on the Metro and it is ADORABLE. The Undomestic Goddess looks fun and is also me -- also, what else are library book sales for but going overboard? LOL

    1. Ah, that's so good to hear - it was a total cover love buy!

      LOL, true, you can't go wrong for $1!

  7. I've seen The Masterpiece around, it sounds interesting! Enjoy your new books!

    I've tagged you in the "5 star books in 5 words" challenge, if you feel up to it, I'd be curious about your choices. Follow the link to my post here.

  8. Ohhh! I am curious about The Masterpiece. I loved On the Island! It's one of my favorite beach reads.

    1. The Masterpiece was so good, I wanted a copy for my collection!

      I loved The Girl You Used To Know, so I wanted to try more from the author!

  9. Beautiful haul! The covers of The Masterpiece and The Status Of All Things are especially stunning, and I think I'll check them out on Goodreads :)

  10. The only one of these I've read so far is The Nest, which is pretty good, especially if you like reading about family dramas and dysfunctional families. To the Bright Edge of the World is one I've been wanting to read for a while. I loved her novel The Snow Child.

    1. I remember seeing The Nest around when it came out and I can't remember why I never put it on my TBR!

  11. Ooh! How To Survive a Horror Movie. I haven't heard of that one!

    1. I just came across it in a bookstore and had to have it!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!