Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Month in Review: August 2024


August was a busy month!  I went into the office one day for my yearly evaluation (which went well, phew!) and then we had a cookie decorating party after hours, which was so fun!  My stepmother turned 70 this month, so we planned a surprise birthday party for her.  It was a great day of celebrating her and spending time with everyone.  Tom also had a birthday this month and he wanted to try a new restaurant, so we went to Fogo de Chao, which just opened near us.  Have you ever been to this Brazilian steakhouse?  We all liked it, even Henry, so it was a win for us!  Henry's daycare closed for the last week of August, so we decided to take a long weekend getaway to the Hudson Valley.  We went to Storm King Art Center (Tom and I went years ago, but this was Henry's first time, and he loved it!).  We also did another Guess Where? trip that went to some very cool places, and we finished our trip at the FDR Presidential Library in Hyde Park.  

Henry is just a ball of energy lately!  He doesn't like to take naps at home anymore and he is always moving (except when he is watching his favorite Spiderman shows).  He also talks A LOT, which I love - the two of us are always having funny conversations.  I've noticed lately that he's started using phrases that I say a lot.  He is obsessed with flags, fans, and umbrellas, and his favorite book of the month was about George Ferris and his Ferris Wheel.  He's always trying to figure out how stuff works - maybe we have a future engineer on our hands!  We've also entered our "why?" era - so Henry is constantly questioning everything I say, do, eat, etc.

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  1. Good luck with Henry's "why?" era. But at least the curiousity is really cute!

    1. It is very cute, except when he's asking me questions he already knows the answers to!

  2. Looks like you had a busy but great August! Congrats on the yearly evaluation and happy belated birthday to your stepmother and Tom. And good luck with the "why?" era ;)

  3. Love hearing all about Henry. He sounds like such a fun kid. Enjoy!!

  4. They opened a Fogo de Chao in Bridgewater (that's the closest to me). My friend at work said it was amazing. Glad to get positive feedback from you, too. The naps are done already!!! At least it sounds like you are having a lot of fun.

    1. That's actually the one we went to! It was so busy! He still takes naps at school, so I'm not sure why he's resisting at home, but here we are!

  5. Sounds like a fun month. Hudson Valley sounds fantastic. Henry is really growing up! I miss that age, but I remember how hard it is when they stop napping! I look forward to your thoughts on all the books, especially Check & Mate. Did you like The Summer Pact? I just thought it was ok - not my favorite of Giffin's.

    1. I like being able to spend a whole day with him, but it was nice having that time to get chores done or just relax a bit! Agree about The Summer Pact - not my favorite of hers!

  6. Fogo de Chao is a fun experience. We have 3 or 4 churrascos here and Fogo and Texas de Brazil are my favorites. I really loved The Five Year Lie. I even got my husband to read it. :)

    1. It was our first time, after watching many YouTube videos about it! It was so busy, but we had fun.

  7. I don't think we have that steakhouse around here but I'll definitely look for it when I'm traveling. Glad you and Henry are having such a great time chatting. :)

  8. I just saw another blogger mention Check & Mate. I hope it was an enjoyable novel. A Brazilian steakhouse sounds really good. Glad you all enjoyed and it sounds like you had a good month with family.

  9. You always sound so busy. :) I would love to try Fogo de Chao. I've only seen Brazilian steakhouses online. I hope you're having a great September.

    1. Haha, some months are definitely busier than others!


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