Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Little Free Library Sightings: Hudson Valley Edition

It's always fun to see a Little Free Library "out in the wild!"  I love to spot them, browse their selection, leave a book if possible, and then look them up on the official website, because sometimes they have interesting stories to go along with them!  There's also an app you can download to find local Little Free Libraries where you can even "check in" to keep track of the ones you've visited!  Here are a few I visited during our weekend getaway to the Hudson Valley!

#132265 - During our trip, we stayed in Fishkill, which had two Little Free Libraries very close to the downtown area, so after dinner one night, we walked to them!  This LFL was created by Girl Scout Troop 10398 and they say, "I made this library for the children of my community to find new books and to share books they love with others."  Love this!  I left a book.
#66105 - This LFL, called Cicero's Little Library, is located at a house just off the main street of Fishkill.  The owner says, "We would like to thank all our friends and family for helping to raise money for this library on social media. We would also like to thank the Village of Fishkill for approving this project. Jeri Wagner and Mike Boyajian "All that you need in life is a garden and a library." - Cicero.  As you can see, it was completely stuffed with books!  I left a book and took a Ruth Ware book.
#132984 - The Ricker Library is located in Sleepy Hollow.  There are actually quite a few LFLs in Sleepy Hollow, but I wasn't feeling great so we only managed to stop at this one.  I love the story behind this one - "My husband gifted me this Little Free Library for my birthday. I'm a Middle School Librarian and I love children's books."  How sweet!  What a perfect gift for a bookworm/librarian.  I left a book for them.

#164036 - I have to share two photos of this LFL because, come on, look at that view!  This LFL is located in Cold Spring, NY, right along the Hudson River waterfront.  There's a bandstand, pier, memorial, and walkway nearby, so I'm sure it gets lots of traffic!  According to the LFL website, "This Little Free Library is the Hudson River "outpost" of the Julia L. Butterfield Memorial Library. It was a collaboration with the Village of Cold Spring and the Mid-Hudson Adirondack Club for the purpose of learning about and sharing an appreciation of the natural world around us."  I left a book.

#15381 - On our way to the FDR Presidential Library and Home site, we passed this LFL in Hyde Park.  It's actually in the parking lot of a strip mall.  I had run out of books to leave, so unfortunately I couldn't leave one, but this LFL was packed with books, so it's clearly well-used!


  1. The Ricker Library one looks super cute!

  2. Those are great and thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  3. These are all so great, but I especially love the one with the view! Absolutely gorgeous!

    1. It really was! Such a great place for a Little Free Library.


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