
Monday, June 3, 2024

Month in Review: May 2024


May was a big month for us!  Henry moved up to the Pre-3 room at school (kind of a precursor to preschool) and he has been doing great!  Almost as soon as he started, they said he showed an interest in potty training (most of the kids in his class are a little older than him and so use the regular bathroom), so with their help, we have started!  It's been slow going since, to me, it doesn't seem like he's actually that interested, but we'll see!  We just got a bunch of "potty" books from the library and he's actually enjoying reading those.  We spent a long weekend in Cape May with Tom's mom and two sisters.  The weather wasn't great, lots of drizzly rain, but we still managed to fit a lot in - the zoo, an aviation museum, a trip to the Wildwood boardwalk, a visit to the Cape May lighthouse, and lots of walks around downtown and the beach area.  Later in the month, Tom and I went on a Guess Where trip that my stepmom and dad got me for my birthday.  We had a fun time exploring two small towns, seeing some covered bridges, and going for a short hike. 

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  1. Hard to believe Henry is almost ready for pre-school. That's crazy! Glad the getaway was filled with fun activities despite the rainy weather. Lots of good reading in May!

    1. I know! It is going so fast - although I think he will be in this room at school for awhile!

  2. Training readiness is definitely something to celebrate. He will train so much faster if he is receptive. Do they still have Once Upon a Potty and the Potty Song? My kid loved the song, the potty, not so much. What a neat gift - a guess where trip. I love it!

    1. Yeah, he is not super receptive at this point - he always wants to try right before bed, but that's it, so I think it's more of a stall tactic than anything else, ha! I'm not sure if they sing any potty songs at school!

  3. Good luck with the potty training! Glad to hear you had two fun trips this month. Have a great June!

  4. I love your Henry updates and also can't believe how big he's getting. Ha! I vaguely remember potty training - a girl though and not a boy. Hope you enjoy your summer.

    1. Thank you so much, Kay! He is getting very big, as he likes to tell me!


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