
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Month in Review: January 2023


Happy new year!  It's not too late to say that, right?  January was a total blur for me; we had a big deadline at work, so I was way busier than normal and ending up working some nights and on the weekend, too.  It was stressful, but hopefully by the time this post goes live, I will be back to my normal schedule!  Our niece's birthday was this month, so I took her out to lunch (at her favorite restaurant, Panera, haha!) and then we went shopping for some new clothes.  Tom was approved to work from home two days a week until the end of April.  It's nice not being home alone every day, although it is distracting to have someone else (and all the noise they make) around.  

Obligatory Henry update: he isn't walking unassisted yet, but he uses his walker a lot and has also been cruising along the furniture.  He is always in motion!  He loves to clap and also learned to blow kisses this month.  Although, I've tried to get him to do it a few times when I drop him off at daycare and he just gives me a look like I'm totally embarrassing him and he refuses to do it back.  I guess at 14 months, he's too cool for me already!

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?

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  1. All bets are off once they are fully mobile. Already embarrassed by mom? No way. He sounds precious. I spy some books I adored up there. Hope they were good for you.

    1. He is precious, although he can get very sassy!

  2. Oh boy, Henry will be giving you a workout before you know it, haha.

    1. Haha, I know! He can crawl so fast, I can only imagine what it will be like when he's walking!

  3. Aww, enjoy the time when he's not walking. Once he can run AND reach stuff on counters, nothing is safe anymore. All your stuff becomes his unless you want to chase him for it.

    1. He likes to play with the stuff on our TV credenza, so I may have to move that stuff soon!

  4. I can't believe he is already 14 months! That is such a fun age. Regarding your books, I really liked Part of Your World - hope you did, too! And you can never go wrong with Bridgerton! I look forward to the next season on Netflix!

    1. It really is a fun age, although it can get frustrating for both of us that he can't talk yet! He just points and I have to try to guess what he wants! I love both of those books!

  5. Panera is one of my favorite restaurants too! Love the ambience. And happy New Year! It's not too late. :)

  6. I love how your niece's favorite is Panera. My niece's is Chick-fil-a. Haha!

    1. LOL, I don't think she's ever been to a Chick-fil-a, but she'd probably love it!

  7. I hope you've enjoyed a slower pace this month and are able to enjoy the normalcy of your routine again. :)

  8. Aww, Henry sounds adorable, even if he refuses to blow back kisses, haha :) Hope your February will be a bit less stressful!

    1. At least he does it at home, and he will often do it when he knows he's being naughty, so I can't be mad at him!

  9. Aww blowing kisses, how cute! I'm glad you had a nice month!


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