
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: 2022 Releases I Still Need To Read


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a freebie, so I decided to highlight some 2022 releases that are still sitting on my TBR.  I've never been the best at reading new releases, but with my lower reading count last year, there are still plenty of 2022 books that I still have to get to!






Are there any 2022 releases that you still need to catch up on?


  1. I also still need to read Book Lovers. Glad I'm not the only one! 😅

  2. I hope you love all of them!

    My post:

  3. Cleeton's and Jenkins Reid's books are fabulous! I hope you get to them soon.

  4. I read three of these - Carrie Soto, Lucy, and Book Lovers. All earned high marks from me. Hope you get to these books soon

  5. The Paris Apartment is still on my shelf, too. I loved Book Lovers... hope you get a chance to read it!

  6. I've only read The Paris Apartment and Book Lovers from your list but I really enjoyed both! Carrie Soto is also still on my TBR, as are all the Chanel Cleeton books :) Hope you'll love all of these!

  7. Carrie Soto is Back is such a good sports book. I hope you get to read it soon! The Paris Apartment was a fun audio book with a great cast. Book Lovers, Wedding Veil, and Barcelona were decent/entertaining books. I really enjoyed Hotel Nantucket - so much fun! I haven't read Gilt either! Too many books not enough time!

  8. I only have a jillion 2022 releases left to read - ha! Several of these above are on my list - Carrie Soto, Upgrade, The Hotel Nantucket, and Book Lovers. One day before long - hopefully. Enjoy!

  9. I definitely still have some 2022 releases to catch up on, though I did better than usual at reading new releases last year. I hope you enjoy all these, whenever you read them!
    My TTT:

  10. Great topic! I am sure this is a list most of us could make. I hope you are able to get to these soon, and enjoy them!

  11. I really liked The PAris Apartment even though it got some mixed reviews. Hope you love it when you get to it!

  12. The only ones I haven't read from your list are The Paris Apartment and Gilt. I loved all of the others.

  13. I'm also terrible at reading new releases, so I'm in the same boat. There are so many 2022 books that I probably won't read for years.

  14. I found that Book Lovers did not work for me (and I DNF'd it) but I loved Carrie Soto and it was one of my top favorites of 2022!

  15. Jamie's cover design makes me curious and I didn't realize Kerry had a second novel out! Now I have to read the first! :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!