
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Month in Review: August 2021

August was a busy month! We took a much-anticipated vacation to Wildwood, NJ.  My sister invited us along on her family vacation, which was very generous of her!  We had a great time walking the boardwalk, spending time at Cape May Point State Park, going to the Cape May County Zoo, and going mini-golfing (I finally beat Tom!).  The weather was beautiful - low humidity and not too hot.  Of course I also had to visit two bookstores while we were there!  In our downtime, we watched the Olympics and I spent a lot of time drawing with our niece.

We went to the movies twice, to see The Suicide Squad and Jungle Cruise - the theaters were pretty much empty each time we went, so that was nice.  Tom's birthday was this month, and he chose mini-golf as the activity (probably to get revenge for me beating him earlier in the month).  There's actually a place by us that has two 18-hole courses, so we did one course and will save the other one for another time.  He won this time!

My company is working on a hybrid reopening plan for mid-September, although with the way COVID cases are rising in our state, I'm not sure it will actually happen.  They are looking to have people in the office a little bit more, but still allow working from home.  I went to the office one day this month to conduct some trainings, and it worked out that Tom was working down in the area the same day, so we were able to carpool.  For a few weeks now, Tom has been going into work a couple days a week, although his full reopening has been pushed back to mid-October.

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  1. Great month! Jungle Cruise was so much fun and did you see they just announced a sequel?

    1. Yes! I'm excited to see what the story is going to be.

  2. Nice that you got to enjoy some time away in August. Hopefully the WFH will continue since now really doesn't seem to be the time to head back into the office (as I write this while sitting in the office - ugh).

    1. Yeah, I definitely don't have plans to go into the office if I don't have to!

  3. You had a great reading month, and I'm glad you got a chance to escape to Wildwood, too! Happy September:)

  4. Lots of great reading here! I hope you have a nice September reading month as well

  5. Looks like you got some good books read and also took some time for fun things. Well done! Yes, I think a lot of the plans for 'going back' to the office at least part-time are a bit on hold. My husband's company was going to start their hybrid plan this month, but have now pushed it back until 'who knows when?'. We shall see.

    1. Thanks, Kay! Yes, my company has had many reopening plans that have gotten progressively pushed back.

  6. I used to do mini golf a lot but it's been years now. Maybe something to keep in mind for next summer. Hope you have a great September!

  7. This is the job you got and then we went into lockdown right? You really haven't worked in the office, no? My company is full steam ahead with RTO. Only vaccinated right now, though.

    1. Yep, same job! I was supposed to transition to mostly working from home eventually, that just started immediately! They are doing a job of spreading people out at the office for those who do come in.

  8. looks like you had a great reading month! hopefully september is just as good

  9. Sounds like you had a fun month overall. My company just adopted a policy where we will work from home 4 days a week and report to the office 1 day. Covid cases are rising again here too so I'm not sure we'll actually start doing that 1 day anytime soon.

    1. One day a week isn't bad, as long as it's safe!

  10. Sounds like a great vacation! I love boardwalks and being by the water. And those movies look fun too. :)

    Finding bookstores on vaca is always great too :)

    1. It was definitely a great time and I'm glad we got to go! Haha, I always seem to drag my husband into bookstores on vacation!

  11. I hope they keep you guys safe with the COVID cases rising. It's a huge mess here. Once a Myth is one I really want to read!

  12. It's so much fun to finally beat someone at something. I went squashing with 2 friends and my BF on Sunday night and in the final game I FINALLY beat one of them; I had been losing all night, lol!

    I've read Anxious People recently and really liked the book :)

    1. Haha, I know! I never beat him at mini-golf, so it was a nice surprise!

  13. I hope you're having a great September! Stay safe. COVID cases are rising here too. Every day, I'm expecting an email that says we have to wear masks at work again. My job doesn't make us wear them because the employees are all vaccinated, and we mostly interact with the customers when we're outside.

    1. That must be so hard, though, to have such a huge part of job be interacting with others all day long! Stay safe, Aj!

  14. I am really excited to see Jungle Cruise and I have heard so many great things. I hope that you have a lovely September, too! :)

    1. Thank you! Hope you love Jungle Cruise, too!

  15. Seeing "The Wife Upstairs" reminds me that I was super curious about it back when I read about it. I'll have to look it up again and see what it's all about. :)

    1. It's a Jane Eyre retelling, which is one of my favorite books!

  16. The Suicide Squad was genuinely nothing that i expected 😁 but enjoyable, that;s for sure!

    1. Haha, I still don't understand why they made another one!

  17. Sounds like a great vacation, I'm so glad you had a nice time! Sounds like it was a nice month overall. :) I'm really curious how a lot of places will handle returning to work with everything right now. I already work from home, but I know my husband's company just pushed back from coming back around now til January! I've been meaning to read The Dream Daughter, as well.

    1. Thanks, Jordan! Wow, January?? That's pretty crazy!

  18. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. Must have been such a treat to see a couple of movies in the theater. Hope your September is going well <3


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