
Monday, March 1, 2021

Month in Review: February 2021

How is February over already?  This year is flying by!  We started out the month with the biggest snowstorm to hit our area in 5 years - we got over 18" of snow!  Then, a week later, we got another 7"; it seemed like every other day we were getting an inch or two, and since it was so cold, it wasn't melting, just piling up more and more.  Only in the last few days has the weather warmed up, and we can finally see parts of our yard again!  It's been nice resuming our afternoon walks.

Tom and I had a low-key Valentine's Day.  We've been eating pretty clean and healthy since the beginning of the year, so we took that weekend to have a couple "cheat" meals - Thai food and pizza, yummy!  We also celebrated my mom's birthday by ordering in from a local Mexican restaurant - it was a great afternoon of chatting and laughing.

I attended my first virtual book event of the year with the Morristown Festival of Books event with VE Schwab - did anyone else catch this?  I finally got a copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue from the library and I'll get to it in March, but the talk was still really interesting.

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  1. I’m glad the VE Schwab event was good! I wanted to go, but that didn’t end up happening. I had a low-key Valentine’s Day too. It did involve restaurant food, of course. I hope you have a great March!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I hope to catch some virtual book events this year. They're so much fun!

    1. It's really nice to be able to see authors who don't come to your area often!

  3. I am sorry I missed the Schwab event, I am reading her The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue now and I am really enjoying it!

  4. I can't believe how much snow people have been getting! I live in Southern California so it's no snow for us, haha, but I've been shocked by what everyone else is getting. Sounds like a nice Valentine's Day, also! :) Vessel looks really interesting, I haven't read any of those books, but I see a few I've been interested in. Hope you have a great month!

    1. Thanks, Jordan! We do generally get snow where I live, but this is way more than we usually get, especially the last couple years when it seems we've barely gotten any!

  5. I'm embarrassed to say that I completely forgot about the V.E. Schwab event even though I really wanted to go and had even put it on my calendar. I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope you enjoy Addie LaRue. Our weather was like that throughout February too. Our temps were warm enough that we didn't get nearly the amount of snow you did, but it snowed at least a little almost every weekend, which is unusual for us.

    1. Oh, that's too bad, Suzanne! I just started Addie LaRue and so far, so good!

      I didn't mind the snow so much because we're still working from home, so at least we didn't have to drive in it!

  6. I love to celebrate with good food, and you guys had some of my favorites. Did you get the rain this weekend? Thanks to that, the rest of the snow is pretty much gone. You read Today Tonight and Tomorrow. If you didn't like it, don't tell me, because I loved it.

    1. Yes, we did get the rain! So now our yard looks like a lake, haha!

      I loved Today Tonight Tomorrow!

  7. What a month! The only one of these books I've read is The Nest and I really enjoyed it.

    1. I've had it on my shelf for quite awhile and figured it was finally time to get to it!

  8. The VE Schwab virtual book event sounds like it was fun. Hope you'll enjoy Addie LaRue!
    We had some snow too in February, but it only lasted for a week. Hope you'll be able to see your entire yard by now :)
    Thai food and pizza sounds so yummy!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! The yard is slowly emerging!

  9. I've been so thankful for virtual author/book events over the past year. I've been able to attend some good ones. Glad the one for Victoria was fun!

    1. It's nice that book events haven't had to completely stop!

  10. I hear a lot of people about snow. We had the biggest amount of snow in 8 years! I've not been on a sled for maybe 15 years and last month I was able to! YAY!
    I hope March will be amazing for you :)

    1. This was the most snow we've gotten in years, too!

      Thanks, Esther!

  11. How did you like Today Tonight Tomorrow? I adored that book.

  12. You read so many! I can't even imagine the amount of snow you had. I could never live in a state where it snows which is basically everywhere but Florida right? I don't know how anyone deals with that type of weather. I'd be like see ya job and stay home with a thousand sweaters on. I had a tough February but March is looking up. *fingers crossed*

    1. Haha, it's definitely not fun to drive in snow, but where I live, it doesn't snow the entire winter. We might get a storm or two, and this was more than we usually get. Snow is pretty to look at!

  13. Thai, pizza, and Mexican, it does sound like a yummy month! I haven't attended any virtual book events, how was it?

    1. The event was fun! There's something nice about being able to attend something without having to leave your house!


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