
Friday, July 31, 2020

Month in Review: July 2020

Another month gone!  July was pretty quiet - we had a couple stretches of really hot weather, so honestly, we spent a lot of time inside!  We're both still working from home, too.

The 4th of July was spent at my sister's house - she had a very small family gathering and we spent most of the day poolside.  It was just so nice to have everyone together!

I watched way too much TV this month.  Along with the rest of the world, we watched Hamilton on Disney+.  We would never be able to find or afford tickets to the actual show, so it was pretty cool to finally watch it and see what all the hype was about!  I have to say, I really enjoyed the music - and I think King George was my favorite character!  #sorrynotsorry.  I also watched The Baby-Sitters Club, which totally brought me back to my childhood.  My sister and I loved those books when we were younger and were always buying them.

I attended my first virtual book event this month!  Taylor Jenkins Reid interviewed Katherine Center for the release of her new book, What You Wish For.  Katherine was so bubbly and personable, and I really enjoyed learning about her inspiration for the book.  And I just love TJR, so that was a big draw for me as well!

My state is slowly starting to open up, although our governor is still being cautious and has no qualms about pausing specific phases of the reopening if he sees things getting out of control.  My mom and I did a little shopping at the mall and Barnes & Noble one weekend; it was nice to get out of the house for awhile!

The Books

You Were There Too (review to come) // Reflection // A Thousand Letters (review to come) // The Deep

The Ship of Dreams // Mr. Nobody // Lady in Waiting (review to come) // The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter (review to come)

The Splendid and the Vile // Glass Slippers, Ever After, and Me (review to come) // Rogue Princess (review to come) // The Betrothed (review to come)

Little White Lies (review to come) // The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires (review to come) // The Season (review to come) // Love Scene, Take Two (review to come)

Charlie Glass's Slippers (review to come) // Blood Countess // Lucky Caller // In Five Years (review to come)

Coming Up Roses

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?  How was your July?


  1. I'm glad for you things are opening up slowly. Slow is indeed the keyword. It took The Netherlands 5 months of opening up things slowly and now there still revising what they are doing every day!

    Have a great August :)

    1. Thanks, Esther! Yes, reopening is definitely a work in progress.

  2. Oooh seeing many books I want to read as well. So many books so little time! Meanwhile Belgium is experiencing the start of a second wave. They opened up things too quickly and too much. It's especially worse in the province I'm living in so that's fun... =/

    1. Oh, no, that's awful to hear! I hope you're staying safe, Stephanie!

  3. You had a great month! I don't seem to be reading as much nonfiction lately, but I do hope to get to The Splendid and the Vile sometime this year.

  4. How fun that you got to see that interview between Taylor Jenkins Reid and Katherine Center. I really enjoyed WHAT YOU WISH FOR. A book that will touch your heart and your soul and make you laugh. Here's hoping August will be a good reading month for all of us.

    1. Thanks, Kay! I'm really looking forward to it.

  5. You read a lot of books that I either really enjoyed or have and need to read. I will be looking forward to some of those reviews.

  6. Great reading month! The Katherine Center/TJR event was really great. I've watched a few other author zooms lately and I have really been enjoying them.

    1. It's definitely helping to make up for the fact that there won't be any in-person events this year!

  7. We are opening up slowly here, too, thankfully. You had a good month, Angela! I went to a Katherine Center event a couple days ago - pies and books! It was fun!

  8. Someday I’ll be able to see Hamilton and know what all the fuss is about. I don’t have Disney+. I’m glad you were able to get out of the house. Have a great August!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. I'm really curious to see what you thought of The Betrothed. I've heard... mixed things. I'm glad your state is being cautious about reopening! Mine has been exceptionally dumb.

    1. Unfortunately, I would agree with those mixed reviews!

  10. Wow! You had an awesome month. I need to make time to watch The Babysitters Club. I was obsessed with those books when I was kid. I am really curious about your thoughts on The Betrothed. I have heard that a few people were disappointed. I also want to hear your thoughts on Mr. Nobody. Did you like In Five Years and We Were There Too? I thought they were decent romances--a nice escape.

    1. Unfortunately, I didn't really care for The Betrothed. In Five Years and You Were There, Too were just kind of middling reads for me!

  11. Oh hello Little White Lies with brides on the cover -- with a title like that and a cover like *that* I'm thinking this is a book that is right up my alley!

    1. Those are actually debutantes, but it still works!

  12. The online book event sounds like it was fun. (And I love TJR!) I've attended a couple virtual books events over the last few months and they've been good. Sign of the times, I guess. Can't wait to see what you thought of Love Scene, Take Two. I really enjoyed it but rarely see anyone mention it.

    1. My sister has been attending lots of virtual events, and she's been enjoying them! Definitely something we'll have to be doing for awhile, I think!

  13. I am curious about the Splendid and the Vile. You had a great month!

  14. Ooh, I really want to check out The Deep. I've heard some really good things. Hope you have a wonderful August <3

  15. The King George character in Hamilton is hilarious! Looks like you had a great reading month. I'll be looking forward to your reviews because several of these are on my TBR. :)

  16. WOW you read a lot! Are you going to review Mr. Nobody on your blog? I'm interested to hear what you thought of it.

    I loved watching The Babysitter's Club. I never read the books, but the series was so beautiful and sweet.

    1. Thanks, Amy! I probably won't review Mr. Nobody; I liked it, but not as much as her first book!

      The series was so cute! I liked how they modernized it.

  17. That virtual book event sounds like it was a fun experience!
    I really want to watch Hamilton, but unfortunately we don't have Disney + in Belgium yet (I think as of September) so I hope it'll at least be on there when we do get Disney+... Glad you loved it so much though, and King George is hilarious :) I've also been watching The Baby-Sitters Club, it's been so nostalgic and I love it! Hope you'll have a great August!

    1. Thanks so much, Lindsey! Hope you enjoy Disney+ when you get it!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!