
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Louisiana Lucky

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Louisiana Lucky
Julie Pennell
Expected publication date: August 4, 2020
From the critically acclaimed author of The Young Wives Club, a “heartwarming story about friendship, heartache, and self-discovery” (Karen White, New York Times bestselling author), comes a charming novel reminiscent of the works of Mary Alice Monroe and Kristy Woodson Harvey, about three sisters who win a huge lottery prize and learn what it truly means to be lucky.

Lexi, Callie, and Hanna Breaux grew up in small-town Louisiana, and have always struggled to make ends meet. For years, they’ve been playing the lottery, fantasizing about how much better life would be if they had the money.

For Lexi, it means the perfect wedding; for Callie, it means having the courage to go after her career dreams; and for Hanna, it means buying a house that isn’t falling apart and sending her bullied son to private school. When the incredible happens and the Breaux sisters hit it big—$204 million dollars big—all their dreams come true. Or so they think. Because it’s actually not a cliché—money isn’t the answer to everything, and it often comes with problems of its own.

Heartfelt, engaging, and featuring characters you’ll root for from the first moment you meet them, Louisiana Lucky is a satisfying page-turner from a rising star in women’s fiction. - from Goodreads
I love stories about sisters, and this one makes me think about what I would do if I won the lottery!


  1. Holy shit, I have to say the first thing I thought when I finished the blurb was how I could take care of some stuff that is in desperate need of taking care ofwith a win like that -- though I do agree it doesn't solve everything (it helps though!) the sisters in this sound lovely, and I genuinely want to see how this affects them.

    1. I know, me too! Winning a huge sum of money sounds great, but you always know there's going to be issues.

  2. I'm usually a sucker for stories about sisters since I have two of my own. :)

  3. Sister stories are great! And how can I cover look so yummy?!

  4. Sisters and millions -- sounds really interesting. I also saw heartwarming and self-discovery up there and those are buzzwords I love to hear

  5. This sounds good and such an enticing cover!

  6. I've thought about what I'd do if I won the lottery a few times haha. Cute cover too. :)

    1. Yes, there are definitely a couple things I'd like to do!

  7. I'm always up for a great story about sisters and I love the winning the lottery twist. I could definitely see that creating some issues. Great pick!

  8. This sounds really good! Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  9. This sounds so good! I hope you enjoy it!

  10. While the story doesn't sound like my kind, that cover would have made me pick it up in the bookstore just to look at. Cupcakes on covers, or in real life, are my weakness. Hope you get your hands on this soon!
    Lisa Loves Literature's Wednesday Post


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