Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Recent Additions to Henry's Shelves


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is recent additions to our shelves.  Here are some books that Henry received for his birthday back in November!




Have you read any of these?

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  1. I see some great books, and I love the How do dinosaurs series!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  2. I have not read any of these, but they look like a lot of fun. Glad Henry got such a great bunch of books for his birthday!

  3. These all look adorable - hope Henry enjoys them all! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Definitely the Dinosaur ones! It's funny to hear him repeat lines from them just randomly around the house!

  5. Looks like a fun mix of books with some educational stuff too. I hope Henry enjoys them all.

    1. He's definitely leaning away from rhyming books and getting more into traditional stories and even nonfiction! But, we do still enjoy our rhymes!

  6. Aww, this is so cute. I'm curious about that What Is the Moon? book. Hope your little one enjoys these (and you too!)

  7. I love this list! So cute. The Animal Orchestra Plays Beethoven and Kindness Makes Us Strong seem good. I want to read all of these, to be honest. 😁

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday List!

    1. Haha, I know! I always try to pick books for him that seem interesting to me, too!

  8. Cute! HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY I LOVE YOU? looks especially sweet. I hope Henry enjoys all these.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

  9. Love so many of these! We enjoyed the Dinosaur series by Yolen and the Usborne books are the absolute best. We still enjoy many of them. What is the Moon? is a great one. I hope he enjoys all his fabulous books.

    1. My sister got us hooked on the Dinosaur series when she gave us one of her daughter's old ones!

  10. I love the cover of Sam & Dave Dig a Hole. I hope Henry loves all these!

    1. That one is a favorite of one of his grandma's, she enjoys reading it with all the kids!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!