Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Michele's 2024 Reading Wrap-Up!

2024 was a fantastic reading year!  I was able to read 266 books – here is my breakdown by format, genre and source:

Ebook 107
Physical 89
Audio 70

Haul (purchased, borrowed, Audible subscription) 151
Library 56
Kindle Unlimited 59

Romance 133
Thriller 50
Adult – Other 27
YA 33
Nonfiction 15
Middle Grade 8

My most read authors were Sierra Simone (16), Katee Robert (8), and Christina Lauren (7).  I caught up on some backlists and also found some really fantastic new-to-me authors.  Romance was still my top genre, but I definitely branched out into some new genres.  Here are some of my favorites of the year:

Do we share any favorites?  What books are you looking forward to in 2025?


  1. You had a great year! Several on your list that I want to try. The only one I've read so far is the Liane Moriarty book and I like that one. It was definitely different. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! Yes, that book was so wonderful!

  2. I can't believe we actually have a favorite in common this year - Fate Be Changed! And The Last Lifeboat was on my favorites list last year!

  3. Fantastic wrap-up, Michele! I also enjoyed The Familiar!

  4. Looks like you had a great reading year! Butcher and Blackbird made my favorite list as well! And I'm still looking forward to reading Lights Out and The Unmaking of June Farrow.

    1. I had no idea what to expect with B&B but i ending up loving it!

  5. I am always so impressed by the amount of books you read. I love that 8 were MG books - one of my favorite genres. You have some "favorite" books that I still need to read, especially The Last Life Boat.

    1. I think you will love The Last Life Boat! I have really enjoyed getting into Middle Grades now that my daughter is getting older.

  6. Congrats on reading 266 books! That's impressive. I'm glad you found some good ones.

  7. Great job! I am sure my top genre was romance as well. I adored both Fangirl Down and Ready of Not.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!