Monday, January 6, 2025

2024 Reading Year in Review

Happy new year, everyone!  Today I thought it would be fun to share some reading stats from the year.

Let's start with a look at Goodreads.  I read 110 books this year, which is way more than I thought I would!

Now, onto some more specific 2024 stats - the majority of my reading is still backlist reads.

I'm still reading female authors way more than male authors - the lopsidedness of this just makes me laugh!

Romance is still my most-read genre, although it is more than 10% less than last year.  As always, some books are hard to place in just one category, but I did my best!

Almost half my books came from my unread shelf!

I didn't have a format chart last year but thought it would be interesting to track this year - I'm kind of surprised that I read more audiobooks than ebooks!

Do you have any interesting or fun stats from your 2024 reading year?


  1. You did awesome - especially with reading your shelf books. Gold star! I am impressed with how many backlist you read as well.

    1. Thanks! Haha, it's always easy for me to read backlist since I'm always so far behind! I don't usually start reading "new" books until a few months into the year.

  2. Wow, you do really well with reading backlist books! Unlike me... 😬

  3. Oooh yay, stats! Wow–congratulations on 110 books, that's awesome! I love the lopsidedness of the male/female chart, haha. I want to prioritize reading more backlist myself this year, I've not been reading as much backlist as I used to and I miss it in a weird way, it's cool that you have been! And that's awesome that so many of your reads came from your unread shelf! I also love the variety in genres. Thanks so much for sharing all these stats, I love this stuff!

    1. Thanks so much, Jordan! I find it easy to read backlist since I'm always so far behind, ha!

  4. You had an amazing year! Congrats on the backlist books, that's something I definitely still need to work on :)

  5. What a great year of reading! I am loving your stats and info about how many books you read from your unread shelf. I need to do this--- maybe it will get my butt in gear to read more from my unread pile.

    1. And yet it looks like I hardly made a dent! I blame my sister, ha! But I also do need to buy fewer books.

  6. Great job with reading from your unread shelf! I haven't made my graphs yet, but you probably did better than me. I was in the library way too much last year.

    1. I borrow way too many books from my sister! I want to use the library more this year, actually.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!