Friday, June 21, 2024

Quick Reviews

Once Persuaded, Twice Shy by Melodie Edwards (2024) 

A modern retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion, Once Persuaded, Twice Shy is the story of Anne, living a life she believes is just fine, until her ex-boyfriend comes to town, and she starts wondering if her life could have been (or still could be) different.  I have to admit, I've never read the original story, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I enjoyed the author's first novel and I wanted to give this one a try.  Unfortunately, this one didn't have the same spark as the first for me.  The "romance" fell really flat here.  Although we get some idea of what Anne and Ben were like the first time around, in the present day there is just not enough of them spending page time together to make me feel like they belonged together.  There is too much telling (mostly through Anne's thoughts) and not enough actual action to make it believable; a very quick resolution to the romance doesn't help the case.  A good portion of the story is spent on Anne trying to reconcile her life's choices, and she actually makes a lot of growth over the course of the book.  I enjoyed this part, especially when Anne stops enabling her selfish family members and forces them all to become more independent.  Overall, a bland romance that would be better marketed as a personal growth story.  3 stars

On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn (2006)

Gregory Bridgerton thinks he has found "the one," but he needs the help of her best friend Lucy to win her over.  In the process, Lucy, despite being practically engaged, finds herself falling for Gregory, and he realizes that Lucy is truly the one for him.  But, Lucy's uncle has promised her to another, and Lucy can't get out of it - unless Gregory can help.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the Bridgerton series, and this installment was a fantastic finale.  Watching Gregory and Lucy work together, getting to know each other and realizing that they are truly in love was such a treat.  I loved how many other Bridgertons made an appearance in this one, particularly matriarch Violet, who has some heartfelt moments with Gregory.  The story takes a suspenseful turn near the end, as Lucy's uncle is desperate for her to marry a particular man (who really turns out to be quite a gem, but clearly not right for Lucy), and the characters all have to band together to help Gregory and Lucy find the happy ending they deserve.  4 stars

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  1. Once Persuaded was just an ok read for me, too. I got so annoyed at Anne's family as well. I remember enjoying the setting of this novel. I can't believe you have passed me with the Bridgerton series!! I need to get caught up. I am on book six and need to continue with it. I am glad to hear Gregory's story is a good one!

    1. LOL, I had to make it a goal for myself to finish the Bridgerton series, and I finally did it!

  2. I've not seen many glowing reviews for Once Persuaded so I decided to pass on it. I've never read the Bridgerton series but it sounds like this was an excellent finale!

    1. The books were really good, although I am very far behind on the show!

  3. I am sad you didn't enjoy Once Persuaded. Like you, I have not read the original, but I really enjoyed the book.

  4. I have yet to read (and even watch) Bridgerton, and I honestly have no idea why! At this point, it might be the pressure of possibly not liking it. 😭 It's a great sign that you loved the finale, though. Love how all the characters ganged up for a happy ending. :D

    1. I watched the first season way later than everyone else did, for the same reason. I couldn't get into the second season at all, though!

  5. I didn't even know there were Bridgerton books.

  6. I really need to get back to the Bridgerton books. I think Eloise's was the last one I read.

    1. Overall, I really enjoyed the whole series!

  7. You made me want to continue my Bridgerton book binge :) I stopped after Colin and Penelope's book but I definitely still want to read them all.

  8. That's too bad about Once Persuaded, Twice Shy. Persuasion retellings are actually my favorite Austen reimaginings, but there are some that don't quite capture the same emotional impact. I highly recommend Persuasion if you are able to get to it.

    1. Yes, it's probably a classic I should get to!


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