Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Guest Blogger: Getting Guys to Read

 My sister is back today with a post on getting the men in your life to pick up books.  Awhile ago, I did a post on books I'd recommend for my husband (who is most definitely NOT a reader), and this is a really great (and updated) accompaniment to that!


After hearing me rave about Fourth Wing and Iron Flame (and armed with the knowledge that it is already being adapted for TV), my husband, James, decided to dive into the series.  He is not a big reader, usually gravitating towards technical books when he does (relating to his profession as a software engineer and his lifelong love of computers).  He did enjoy them and we have already preordered Onyx Storm, so we have that to look forward to next year.  Surprisingly, he wanted to continue his reading journey so it got me thinking – what kinds of books would we recommend to get the guys in our life reading?  

The Arc of a Scythe series and Dry by Neal Shusterman


All YA novels about dystopian futures, they are quick, engaging reads.  James has already read two of the three Scythe books and is loving them!


James and I have listened to both of these and the audios are fantastic.  They are quirky and really, really funny.

Anything by Neil deGrasse Tyson or Randall Munroe



If you have a science nut in your life, you need these books.  You will learn something and definitely chuckle along the way.  I would also recommend these in audio – they are all fantastic and allowed us to have some great conversations about the material.

Do you have readers in your life?  What books would you recommend to reluctant or new readers?

* This post contains affiliate links; I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases, at no cost to you.


  1. Like me, my husband has always been a reader and almost always has a book going. We also read Fourth Wing and Iron Flame and it was fun to discuss it together. My husband also really enjoyed The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (sci-fi and humor) and also the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher (urban fantasy). Both of those were big hits with my husband. Hope he finds something he really enjoys!

  2. No one in my immediate family reads. I'm literally the only one. Apparently I got the reading gene from my grandfather but he passed away before I was born. My brother is interested in Norse mythology and he read half of one of the books I own on the subject but he didn't get any further, unfortunately.

    1. We have quite a few readers in the family, so it's nice to be able to recommend books to one another!

  3. I love those Neil deGrasse Tyson books! I've tried to get Tom into reading, usually by suggesting something related to his interests, like Doctor Who.

    1. Yes, that is definitely a good idea!

  4. These are all great suggestions! You can't go wrong with Shusterman. My husband has recently gotten into Blake Crouch's books and then we watched Dark Matter on Apple TV.

    1. oh good one! I think James would love Blake Crouch too.

  5. My daughter forever sings the praises of Scythe. My dad is not much of a reader, but he loves historical non-fiction books. My uncles (who are big readers) like sci-fi.

    1. One of our brothers is a big nonfiction reader, so i try to get recs from him!

  6. This is such a fun idea! I don't think I could convince my husband to read physical books, but maybe the audiobook of What If would be an option, they do sounds like a lot of fun :) I also still want to read the Scythe series myself :)

    1. Audiobooks are awesome for car rides since you're kind of trapped - that's mostly how my husband has been consuming books with me. There are tons of great ones!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!