
Monday, May 1, 2023

Month in Review: April 2023


April was a very busy month!  My birthday was at the beginning of April, and it was just a quiet day for me.  My mom came for a week-long visit from Oklahoma, which was great because we hadn't seen her in person since early December.  She was here for Easter and stayed at my sister's house, mostly to watch my niece who was on spring break from school while my sister finished up tax season.  Tom, Henry, and I took a day off to go to the zoo with her, and I spent another day with her, doing some shopping and just hanging out.  We had a couple days of crazy hot weather which I really did not enjoy.  Tax season finally ended, so work should be picking up again soon.  My in-laws came over for a belated Easter.  Also, this little blog turned 7 years old and I almost totally missed it!

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?

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  1. Happy 1st of May! What was your favorite book of April, if you have a favorite?

    1. Either Our Last Days in Barcelona or Romancing Mister Bridgerton!

  2. Congrats on the blog anniversary!!!! I can't wait to get to Daisy Darker :)

  3. Sounds like April was good to you. And reading that you missed your blog anniversary reminded me that I missed mine back in March! LOL

    1. Haha, I really should try to do something to celebrate it more!

  4. That's so long between visits with your mom. Sounds like you got to spend some quality time with her though. Seven years - congratulations!

    1. Yeah, it was too long, but hopefully we will see her again over the summer. Thank you, Sam!

  5. Sounds like lots of quality family time in April... and some good books, too. Belated birthday wishes and happy blog anniversary!

    1. Thank you, JoAnn! Yes, lots of family time, it was great!

  6. Happy Blogaversary! Glad you didn't miss it. Hoping you enjoyed Daisy Darker. I read it. back in October.

    1. I did enjoy it! I kind of accidentally spoiled it for myself, but it was still a good read.

  7. Sounds like you had a nice April! Happy Belated Birthday and Blog-anniversary, too! I hope you enjoyed Cleeton's Barcelona and Daisy Darker. I thought both were good. I see you are also reading Bridgerton series - that's my favorite escape! The audio books are my favorite b/c I love the narrator Rosalyn Landor,

    1. Thank you, Christina! Yes, I have really been enjoying the Bridgerton books - they have much more humor than I was expecting!

  8. Happy belated birthday and blogoversary! Sounds like you had a good April, nice that you got to spend some time with your mom!

    1. Thank you, Lindsey! I'm glad she was able to make the trip out.

  9. Sounds like a busy but fun month. Happy Belated Birthday and blogoversary! Mine turned 7 as well and I completely missed it, lol.


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