
Friday, April 28, 2023

Little Free Library Sightings

 It's always fun to see a Little Free Library "out in the wild!"  I didn't think there were that many near me, but I've actually found quite a few nearby!  It's fun to spot them, browse their selection, leave a book if possible, and then look them up on the official website, because sometimes they have fun stories to go along with them!  There's also an app you can download to find local Little Free Libraries - you can even "check in" to keep track of the ones you've visited!  Here are a couple I've visited recently:

I spotted this one in a local park, right next to a large playground/play area for kids, when we took Henry out one evening.  I don't think it's an "official" LFL because I couldn't find it on their map, but it was fun to see, nonetheless!  It was donated by a local Girl Scout Troop, which is just an awesome project to take on!  It was full of books, mostly older ones it looked like (and quite a few Maeve Binchy books, funny enough!), and although I didn't take anything, it's nice to know this one exists, especially since this is a park we will be frequenting often.
LFL #42820 is actually around the corner from my mom's old house.  I love the little bench next to the library!  It had a good selection of books, for all ages, and I actually grabbed two board books featuring dinosaurs for Henry, while leaving a book behind.  This one has a great story behind it - the stewards were visiting their son in Illinois when they came across an LFL.  When they Googled what it was, they fell in love with how the nonprofit is spreading a love of reading and were inspired to start their own at home.  They built their own library as a summer project, which also turned out to be the first LFL in my town!
LFL #67327 is located on a beautiful, quiet, tree-lined street.  I stopped there early one morning after dropping Henry off at daycare.  This one was also full of books and had a wide variety of stories.  I left a book and grabbed a fairly recent romance novel, which, when I got home, I realized I had already read!
LFL #94912 is on a main road, which might make parking difficult at times, but there's also a sidewalk, which is perfect for people just strolling by.   I must have driven by this one dozens of times before I noticed it, but I'm glad I finally did!  It's pretty close to the above library, so I stopped by the same morning.  As you can see, it is also full of books, and I left a book while also taking a middle grade/YA book, maybe for my niece someday!  Also, not to be a creeper, but check out that house behind it - so pretty!
Have you visited a Little Free Library recently?


  1. I love these little libraries! I haven't seen one yet out here in Uniontown!!

  2. How fun! I am not sure if I have ever seen an LFL in the wild, but these are all so lovely

  3. Fun post! There are quite a few LFLs near me, so I like to stop by every so often. I agree it's fun to spot them :)

    1. Thank you! That's awesome that you have so many to visit.

  4. I love everything about this post!!

  5. There are a few little free libraries near me and I just love visiting them. The element of surprise at what you might discover is so exciting!

    1. Right?? I've seen a lot of variety in the ones I've visited.

  6. I love finding Little Free Libraries! We have one at our neighborhood amenities center. I love the one with the little bench beside it. So pretty!

  7. These are so cute! We have one at our local park and I am always meaning to pop some books into it - they seem to have a nice variety of adult fiction and children's books. I want to put one up at my house!

  8. Little libraries are the best! They are popping up more and more here in Sydney in my neck of the woods and it never fails to bring a smile to my lips eeing one.

  9. Those Little Free Libraries all look adorable! I wish we had more of them in our area.

  10. I didn't know there was an app! I need to get that. We have an LFL in my neighborhood. I keep it well-stocked. :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!