
Monday, April 24, 2023

Michele's Monday Picks #13

Angela is so generous to let me pop in with a new little series, Michele’s Monday Picks! I’m not a blogger or bookstagrammer, but I love getting excited about new releases with the rest of you. Here I’ll be sharing new books I’m really looking forward to! 

The Duchess Takesa Husband

By Harper St. George

Expected Publication: May 23, 2023

From Goodreads:

A scandalous arrangement between a London rogue and an American duchess leads to lavish stakes.

Despite her illustrious title, Camille, Duchess of Hereford, remains what she has always been—a pariah. Though her title means she’s technically accepted by London Society, the rebellious widow with her burgeoning interest in the suffrage movement and her American ways isn’t exactly high on every hostess’s guest list. But Camille starts to wonder if being an outcast is not without its perks when the tantalizing answer to her secret fear appears in the shape of Jacob Thorne, the illegitimate son of an earl and co-owner of London’s infamous Montague Club.

Jacob is used to making deals with his club members—he’s just not accustomed to them being beautiful women. Nor have the terms ever been so sweetly seductive as Camille’s shocking proposition. To finally buy his own club and gain the crucial backing of investors, Camille offers Jacob the respectability of a fake engagement with a duchess. In return, the tempting widow has one condition: she wants Jacob to show her if it’s possible for her to experience pleasure in bed.

The lure of such a bargain proves too delicious to resist, drawing the enterprising rogue and the wallflower duchess into a scandalous game and an even more dangerous gamble of the heart.

This series has been such a treat - do you think you’ll be picking this one up?


  1. This series is new to me but this one definitely sounds like an exciting installment!

  2. I've really been enjoying this series, and the covers are so beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous cover... that dress! :) I hope this one holds up to the previous book(s) in the series.

  4. I'm ALWAYS up for a historical romance. One of my favorite genres and that cover is so beautiful!

    1. I love historical fiction and these have all been great!

  5. I am not a big historical romance fan, but I hope this is a hit (beautiful cover)

  6. I don't read enough historical romance, but this sounds really good! And I love the cover.

  7. Awesome pick, Michele! I am really looking forward to this one, too!

  8. I haven't heard of this series before, but I am intrigued to learn more! That blurb sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing it!


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