
Monday, May 2, 2022

Month in Review: April 2022

April was a busy month with lots of visitors!  We celebrated my sister's and my birthday, along with an early Easter, at my mom's house at the beginning of the month.  The weather wasn't too great, so my mom had an indoor egg hunt for Luna and Henry (well, mostly Luna!).  My in-laws were over a couple times, and Tom's sister from Illinois drove in for the holiday weekend and to meet Henry for the first time.  She stayed with us, which was really nice. She got to spend a ton of time snuggling with Henry and we got to catch up a lot.  Henry enjoyed his first Easter with lots of new books and stuffed animals.  I went to a birthday party for one set of nieces and nephews and got to meet our newest nephew (the one born right before Henry) for the first time (between COVID, other sicknesses, and everyone going back to work, it was hard to meet up!).  Henry is now five months old and getting so big and strong!  He loves to kick and is *thisclose* to rolling over on his own.  He also had his first solid food this month!  The first time we gave him sweet potato puree was... not good.  He was not having it and had a look on his face that said, "Why are you doing this to me?"  But it got better as the week went on and he's starting to figure it out and even enjoy it a little. 

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  1. Sounds like you had a great month! Hopefully May will be just as great, with lots of books!

  2. Looks like you had a great month - it's so nice to be able to have visitors and see family again! Haha, hope Henry will be in love with sweet potato puree soon :) Have a great May!

    1. Haha, by the end of the week he didn't mind it so much! Thanks, Lindsey!

  3. Sounds like a great month. Awww, Henry is at such a fun age right now. It's so fun witnessing all of those "firsts".

    1. It really is! His little personality is really starting to show.

  4. Nice to share so much time with family. Henry sounds like he is growing so fast!

    1. He is! I think he just went through a little growth spurt, everyone is saying he is looking much taller!

  5. That first roll over is pretty amazing. :) And glad you had a nice birthday and family time. Hope your May is fabulous. :)

    1. He is like 90% of the way there, so hopefully soon! Thanks, Greg!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful month, both in terms of family and books. Sounds like Henry is growing and changing so quickly. Happy May!

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! It has really been amazing to see him grow and change.

  7. I always love when I look back on a month and realize that I spent so much time with family, which is so important in my opinion :)

    Have a great May!

    1. Yes, it was so nice to be able to see everyone! Thanks, Esther!

  8. Sounds like a good month with plenty of family time! And plenty of good books. The One Night was fun but I still need to pick up The Reunion.

  9. I'm glad you got to see your family! The first time Baby Brooklyn rolled over, my sister and I screamed so loud that we scared her. I never thought she'd roll over again. :) Have a great May!

  10. Happy belated birthday! Five months?! Where does the time go? Sounds like your are having a great time with Henry. So glad motherhood has been such a blessing for you. Hope you have a good May!

    1. Thank you, Alicia! I know, I cannot quite believe it myself! Motherhood has come with challenges, but his smile is all worth it!

  11. Sounds like you had a great month! Always fun when there's busyness so long as it comes with new and wonderful memories. Sounds like you made lots of new memories. Happy belated birthday, too! Hope it was a good one.

    1. Thanks, Rissi! Yes, so many good memories made with Henry!

  12. Glad Henry had a good first Easter and that you had a nice month! To be fair to Henry, I did not used to be a fan of sweet potato either lol.

    1. Thanks, Kit! Haha, I'm still not a huge fan of sweet potatoes. He is really enjoying the butternut squash, though!


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