
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Can't-Wait Wednesday: A Caribbean Heiress in Paris

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Adriana Herrera
Expected publication date: May 31, 2022
Paris, 1889

The Exposition Universelle is underway, drawing merchants from every corner of the globe. Luz Alana Heith-Benzan set sail from Santo Domingo armed with three hundred casks of rum, her two best friends and one simple rule: under no circumstances is she to fall in love.

The City of Light is where Luz Alana will expand Caña Brava, the rum business her family built over three generations. It’s a mission that’s taken on new urgency after her father’s untimely death and the news that her trust fund won’t be released until she marries. But buyers and shippers alike are rude and dismissive; they can’t imagine doing business with a woman…never mind a woman of color.

From her first tempestuous meeting with James Evanston Sinclair, Earl of Darnick, Luz Alana is conflicted. Why is this man—this titled Scottish man—so determined to help her? And why, honestly, is he so infuriatingly charming?

All Evan Sinclair ever wanted was to find a purpose away from his father’s dirty money and dirtier politics. Ignoring his title, he’s built a whiskey brand that’s his biggest—and only—passion. That is, until he’s confronted with a Spanish-speaking force of nature who turns his life upside down.

Evan quickly suspects he’ll want Luz Alana with him forever. Every day with her makes the earl wish for more than her magnificent kisses or the marriage of convenience that might save them both. But Luz Alana sailed for Paris with her eyes on liquor, money and new beginnings. She wasn't prepared for love to find her. - from Goodreads



  1. This sounds really good, especially the sparks between Luz and Evan.

  2. What a gorgeous cover. Hope you'll enjoy this one!

  3. This sounds fun- rum running, PAris and some romance haha!

  4. Oh I love the sound of this so much! I hope you love it. :)

  5. I have only read contemporaries from Herrera. Sounds like an interesting historical time to read about.

  6. Also looking forward to this one!

  7. The setting sounds amazing! I hope that you love it! :)

  8. I've been wanting to try Adriana Herrera for so long. Hope you enjoy!


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