
Friday, May 6, 2022

2022 Rereading Project: Update #2

It's time for another update on my 2022 rereading project!
One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid (2016)

I first read this book back in 2017 when I discovered Taylor Jenkins Reid and was making my way through her backlist.  One True Loves tells the story of Emma, who loses her husband on their first anniversary, only to find out a couple years later that he survived the helicopter crash and has made his way home.  The problem is, she's engaged to another man, and now she has to choose between them.  I didn't give this book a rating when I first read it, but I remember not quite enjoying it as much as her other books.  Upon reread, I really enjoyed this book, even if it did get a bit schmaltzy at times, and I thought it had some good notions about how we change and grow as we get older.

Verdict: It's TJR, she can do no wrong, and I could never give away one of her books - keep!
The Girl Who Reads on the Metro by Christine Feret-Fleury (2017)
This book was an impulse buy during an anniversary trip to Connecticut, when we stopped at House of Books in Kent.  I couldn't resist the cute cover!  This short story follows Juliette, an ordinary woman living an ordinary life, who meets Soliman, a bookseller.  He convinces her to become one of his passeurs, people who take books out into the world and match them with their perfect reader.  When I first read this back in 2020, I gave it three stars, and I pretty much agree with that rating today.  The premise of the book is so charming and I love the message about how books can change our lives, but the writing and tone were hurdles for me.  It feels a bit overwritten, even for such a short book (maybe that has something to do with it being a translation) and the tone is sadder and darker than I was expecting.  

Verdict: I'm hoping another reader will be able to connect more with this story - donate!

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  1. I would keep and donate the same books you did. I want to read more Taylor Jenkins Reid. I've only read one book so far.

  2. That Taylor Jenkins Reid one does sound good. I always seem to gravitate to stories like that- what ifs and all that :)

    1. I know, it's such an interesting premise to think about!

  3. I seem to be someone who finds schmaltzy a good thing. Glad TJR holds up for you.

  4. One True Loves was the first TJR book I read and it's still special to me. :)

    1. Her books just have such a way of hitting readers right in the feels!

  5. I'm glad you liked the TJR book! I really need to read more of her stuff.

    1. I'm so excited she has another book coming out this year!

  6. One True Loves is on my TBR as I've been wanting to try more TJR - glad to hear you enjoyed the re-read!

  7. I plan to read that TJR novel at some point because it was adapted into a film... or is being? I cannot remember. But since I own it, I guess this year is the year to read it. :)

    1. It hasn't come out yet, but hopefully soon?

  8. I am completely unfamiliar with this Taylor Jenkins Reid novel. Kind of surprising since she is so popular. Glad one of these still remains one you are fond of.

  9. I save all my TJR books too. They're such gems.


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