
Monday, January 4, 2021

Battle of the Book Covers #2

In Battle of the Book Covers, I pick one book, compile a bunch of different international covers, and choose my favorite - and I'd love for you to weigh in, too!  (Thank you to Heather at Random Redheaded Ramblings, who put together a list of 25 book blog post ideas, for the inspiration!)

This time I'm looking at Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton.  I finally read this book in 2020 and I absolutely loved it!  I think the original 2018 US paperback cover is very well-known, but can anything beat it?

2018 US // 2019 German // 2019 Croatian

2018 Bulgarian // 2019 Serbian // 2019 French

2019 Hungarian // 2020 Swedish // 2020 Macedonian

I think we all know I'm a sucker for a pretty dress on a cover, so a lot of these appeal to me; I also love the incorporation of architecture, beaches, and classic cars.  While I like the simplicity of the French cover, I think my favorite is...

The 2020 Swedish version!  I think it has a similar vibe as the original cover, but the realistic/photographic quality appeals to me just a little bit more!

Which one is your favorite?
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  1. So cool to see so many unique covers for the same book. Hugs and Happy New Year! RO

  2. Most of these are really pretty but I absolutely love the Macedonian cover 😍

  3. I still have a copy of this that I need to read! I didn't really just how many cover options there were, and they are all so different! I really like the one you chose, as well as the Macedonian one. And for some reason I do enjoy the US original one, which surprises me because it's not really a style I'd usually be drawn to!

    1. I couldn't believe how many versions there were, too; the options just kept going and going on Goodreads! They are all so pretty; the original US one is the one that drew me in.

  4. Honestly, I like them all. Kind of like the German with all three women on the cover.

  5. These are all nice. I like the retro look of the German edition a lot.

  6. I finally read this one last year too. Such a great book! I agree with Sam that all of these are gorgeous in their own way. The 2018 US paperback is my sentimental favorite since it's the one I own but they're all lovely. I love the red dresses and the vintage cars.

  7. This is such a wonderful collection of covers, but I think my favourite is the Macedonian one. I feel like it’s much more vibrant than the other for me.

  8. Wow! These are all awesome. I really like the Swedish cover as well. I still have this book on my shelf--I need to read it soon, because I have enjoyed her other books!

    1. It's so good! I need to catch up on her other books!

  9. Ohhh I think the Macedonian cover is my favorite, but so many of them are gorgeous!

  10. I love this feature! I'm most drawn to the Croatian.

  11. I hope to finally read this one this year! These covers are all so pretty, but my favorites are the US and Macedonian ones.

  12. So many covers for this one. This is one of those times where I'm just really drawn to the original US paperback cover.

    1. It's such a well-known cover, especially because Reese Witherspoon picked it for her book club - so lovely!

  13. The German and French covers are also very beautiful!

    1. Agreed! I love how different they are from the others.

  14. I think I'm a sucker for the original one. The German was is drawing me in too. It looks like it was published in Cuba. I just wish the background wasn't so white though.

    1. I really like the German one, too, and the original is so classic!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!