
Friday, January 1, 2021

Month in Review: December 2020

All thing considered, December was actually a really fun month!  My sister organized a virtual crafting day, where a bunch of us got on Zoom and made wood sign boards together.  We also Zoomed with our nephews in Oklahoma and watched them open their Christmas gifts!  We got our first big snowstorm of the season (actually, the biggest we've gotten in probably a couple years), but of course our snowblower broke and we had to shovel out our long driveway - ugh!  We had an afternoon of cookie making at my mom's house, and my niece loved decorating with all the different colored sprinkles.  Tom finally found out that he got the job he applied for within his company back in October, so we went out to dinner to celebrate.  We spent Christmas day at my mom's with my sister, and Tom's parents came over to our house the next day.  Lastly, we went to the movies for the first time since February - we saw Wonder Woman 1984, which wasn't as good as the first movie, but it was fun to be back in a theater.  We'll probably try to stay pretty close to home for the next month or two, so it was nice to get out a couple times this month.

The Books



The Posts and Reviews
Happy New Year!
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  1. Oh wow, you read a lot! I really need to get to My Calamity Jane. I'm not into western stories at all, but I love the other Jane books!

    1. It was a really fun read, just like the rest of the series!

  2. Definitely a lot of fun things! Hopefully things will start to get back to normal in 2021!

  3. Happy New Year, Angela! Congrats to your husband on his new job and let's hope 2021 will be a better year in all ways.

  4. I like all the creative things people are doing with Zoom. Social and safe. Congratulations to Tom! Awesome news. I think you did more stuff in December than I did in the past 6 months. Good on you!

    1. Haha, thanks! Yes, we had lots of fun (and safe) events!

  5. I'm glad you had a good month! And a virtual crafting day sounds like so much fun!

    1. It was! Especially when my nieces and nephews got on the call!

  6. Ooh I thought PErmafrost was good! I was interested in that Black Widow one too but never did get to reading it. Glad you had a good December. :)

  7. HARRY POTTER! Always lovely to see it at other blogs. In my classroom, we're all big fans and I've read the first book out loud, we had so much fun.

    I received the Chamber of Secrets Illustrated version for Christmas, I felt like I was 8 y/o again!!

    Happy New Year ^^

    1. Aww, that's so great! I love that the kids enjoy it so much! Happy new year, Esther!

  8. Happy New Year! Sounds you had a good month overall. The holidays just flew by! I really enjoyed Lieutenant's Wife and All the Ways We Said Goodbye. I look forward to your thoughts on them!

  9. It does sound like you had a lot of fun this month! It never fails that the snowblower breaks when you need it. Happy New Year, Angela! :)

    1. Thank you! Haha, yes, of course - hopefully we won't get too much snow before we can get it fixed!

  10. Sounds like you had a great month. I love the Zoom crafting idea. Congrats to your hubby on his new job!

  11. So glad you had a good December! I love the idea of a zoom craft session. Wishing you a great 2021!

  12. Sounds like you a fun December with lots of nice activities (minus the snow shoveling of course). And a great reading month! I hope to try the K.A. Tucker books this year. Hope you'll have an amazing 2021!

    1. I think you'll really like that series, Lindsey! Happy new year!

  13. I wish I could go the theaters. I used to go a lot with my brothers and my cousin so it's frustrating not to go anymore. I think I'm going to wait until Summer honestly to go back. This new strain is worrying me even if I go to work and get groceries all the time too. My brother watched the new Wonder Woman and he hated it so I'm going to skip it lol.
    You read so much! Did you like I Was Told It Would Get Easier?

    1. We really missed going to the movie theater! We probably won't go again until the spring, though, since there's not really anything coming out that we want to see.

      I actually really loved I Was Told It Would Get Easier! I wasn't sure it was going to be for me, but it was so good!

    2. Ooh, yay! I was iffy about her last book but I'll give I Was Told It Was Easier a try. It feels more relatable.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!