
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Secret Recipe For Moving On

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Karen Bischer
Expected publication date: March 23, 2021
Ellie Agresti's not sure anything could be worse than being dumped by her boyfriend, Hunter, the first day of senior year.

But sharing a "life skills" class with him and his new girlfriend, Brynn? AND getting partnered with a "family" of misfits (A.J., the loudmouth; Isaiah, the horse-racing obsessive; and Luke, the tattooed stunt-biker)?

It's a recipe for certain disaster...until an in-class competition allows Ellie to channel her angst into beating Hunter and Brynn's team, and she unexpectedly bonds with her own group–especially Luke–in the process.

But as Ellie soon discovers, it will take more than classroom triumphs to heal her broken heart–and find herself again. - from Goodreads

This sounds really cute, and I'm looking forward to Ellie's journey!


  1. A baking competition as revenge (of sorts)? Love it!

  2. Does it have actual recipes? Sounds entertaining!

  3. I want to read this too. I love all the foodie books in general

  4. This really does sound cute, I hope you enjoy it! I love the baking competition idea.

  5. I love that title. I agree, it does sound like a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy The Secret Recipe for Moving On when you read it!

  6. a "family" of misfits? I'm all for this! 😄

  7. That cover has me excited! I think that this one sounds super cute as well!

  8. Oooh! This sounds like an interesting read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. This looks good fun plus I’d imagine there’ll be a lot of yummy descriptions of food!

  10. I love foodie fiction! I've seen this around but never thought about how good it will go for my foodie's challenge. I love the pastel colors of the cover too. It's really simple and pretty.

  11. I love books with food anyway but the competition aspect of this, along with the family of misfits, just sounds like so much fun. :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!