
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Non-Bookish Hobbies

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a fun one and a great way to get to know fellow bloggers - non-bookish hobbies!  I think it's fair to say that for most of us, reading and blogging are some of our biggest hobbies, but what else are we into?  Here are a few of the things I do when I'm not reading:

  1. Hiking.  When the weather's good, I love being outside in nature and finding new hiking trails.  
  2. Traveling.  Even though this year has been mostly a bust for travel, I enjoy exploring new places.  My husband and I have a goal to visit all 50 states together - I think we're up to about 18!
  3. TV/Movies.  We love going to the movies, especially seeing the latest Marvel releases on opening weekend.  I also have a weird obsession with trashy reality television - if it involves Real Housewives or 90 Day Fiance, I can't resist it.
  4. Photography.  I love taking pictures and I was so grateful when my dad gave me one of his nice DSLR cameras when he upgraded.  I think landscape photography is my favorite, but I've also been trying to get better at portraits.  I've been doing my sister's family's Christmas card photos for the last couple years, and it's been good practice!
  5. Puzzles.  Apparently puzzles are really good for your brain!  I started getting into them last year and they were the perfect quarantine activity this year.
  6. Painting/Crafts.  Not as often as my other hobbies, but I do enjoy getting crafty from time to time.  Wood signs, paint & sip classes, you name it!

What's your favorite hobby (besides reading, of course!)?


  1. Hiking and traveling *nods*. I haven't been hiking in a while and I miss it! And photography! There's something relaxing about getting a great shot. :)

  2. I love hiking, traveling, and photography as well. I miss traveling!

  3. I love to travel but obviously that's taken a hit this year. I look forward to a time when we can plan some more trips.

    1. I know, we're already dreaming about where we want to go next year, fingers crossed!

  4. Do you like sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, and/or crossword puzzles? I wasn't sure what sort of puzzles you meant there, but I love all three of those things.

    I mentioned hiking in my post this week as well. I wonder if we have the same definition of it. :)

    My <a href="“>post</a>.

  5. Those are lovely hobbies! I also love hiking, tv/movies and puzzles. :D

  6. LOL. I'm not sure I've ever watched a trashy reality show, but I know a lot of people who really like them, so you're not alone :)

    Happy TTT!

  7. Puzzles have really made a comeback lately. I love doing them, too.

  8. I definitely love travelling too and hope to be able to do it again soon :) I've always wanted to get into photography but never kept it up, so it's great that you've been doing it for some years already! Definitely love Marvel releases too!

    1. I love photography, but I honestly don't know much about the mechanics of it, I just like taking pretty pictures!

  9. I love puzzles, too! We don't have a ton of space, though, so I really need to get one of those roll-up mat things so there's not as much pressure to hurry up and finish a puzzle because we all want to sit down at the table together. LOL

    1. Haha, so true! My sister uses a board that she can just move around.

  10. Jessica was just talking about her puzzle. I like them too. I don't have the space for jigsaws though. I still do my mind puzzle though. I would love to have the fund to travel as a hobby. I want to go everywhere.

    1. Yes, money can definitely be an issue when it comes to traveling!

  11. I love travelling too, this year has been largely a bust for it, but I did go to South Africa before the lockdown for a volunteer internship I was doing and it was brilliant. So looking forward to being able to travel again. I also enjoy watching TV/movies, though I've done rather more of that than I'd like this year.
    My TTT:

    1. Oh, that sounds wonderful, I'm glad you had that opportunity!

  12. We pretty much have all of these in common!

  13. Great list! I also love to travel and watching movies and TV shows!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  14. I enjoyed your photos with your husband out traveling and hiking!

  15. I don't get out hiking as much as I'd like to, but I always enjoy it when I do!

  16. Hiking (well, walking in nature), traveling, photography, puzzles... I have a feeling we would get along pretty well IRL! And I have always wished I could paint or draw well.

    1. I think we would, too! I drew and painted a lot as a kid, but I fear I've lost my talent!

  17. What a great list! I’d love to travel more and I think if I lived in the States I’d want to attempt all 50! I’ve only managed two, Florida and California (if stopping at LAX counts!)

    1. Thanks, Heather! I think it's a doable goal!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!