
Monday, November 2, 2020

Month in Review: October 2020


October is one of my favorite months - there's usually fun stuff to do and celebrate!  It was a nice change of pace from previous months.
We started out the month with a little socially-distant get-together with my former coworkers.  When I left my old job in March, they wanted to have a "going away" party for me, but that was literally the day everything was shutting down, so we never got a chance to, until now!  We met at a restaurant and sat outside with our masks - it was nice to see them and catch up.
Tom and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this month and we decided to do a little weekend getaway to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.  We walked around the Christmas market, browsed the shops on Main Street, and hiked at Trexler Nature Preserve (and yes, we wore our masks the whole time!).  Of course I also had to stop at the Moravian Book Shop, which is one of the oldest bookstores in America.  It was a nice relaxing weekend, and the B&B we stayed at was so accommodating and had good safety procedures in place.
My dad and stepmom hosted a fall fun/Halloween day at their house.  Most of my siblings were there, and it was the first time some of us were seeing each other all year!  The grandkids searched for candy in the yard, painted pumpkins, and showed off their costumes.  After dinner we all went for a walk.  Thankfully we had good weather so we could spend the majority of the day outside.  As for the actual day of Halloween, we didn't get a single trick-or-treater!  I didn't actually buy any candy, though, so that was probably a good thing.
We're still working from home, Tom a little more this month than last month.  With our state seeing a spike in cases over the last couple weeks, I don't see that changing any time soon. 

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How are you doing?


  1. Sounds like a good month! I'm glad you got to see some of your friends and family and do some fun stuff!

  2. How lovely you got to see everyone after you left! You did have a good month!!

  3. Replies
    1. I liked it! I think it was a little wordy, but I liked getting to know the characters on a deeper level and Bella seemed a lot less immature than she did in Twilight!

  4. It looks like you had a lovely month. It's great you were able to catch up with your former co-workers as well as get out and about a bit.

    I've been wondering about Pride and Papercuts--I do love a P&P adaptation.

    Simply Angela

    1. Pride and Papercuts was such a good read, I'd highly recommend it!

  5. You had a great month Angela! Happy Anniversary to you and hubby!

  6. Happy belated anniversary! Glad you got to spend time with your former coworkers. I used to work at Walmart, and whenever I'm in the area, I usually stop by and shop there again and sometimes I see my friend Mary there.

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely time away, happy anniversary!

  8. Kiku and Grandpa Lew hosting the grandkids was the best day! So glad we all got to get together.

  9. You did some fun stuff! I am glad you got to get away for your anniversary (Congratulations on 7 years!!!) Fall Fun Day sounds great to me, and we actually had ok weather for an outdoor event.

    1. Thanks, Sam! We actually ended up doing the fall fun day the week before, and the weather was perfect!

  10. That sounds like a great day out!! And Happy Anniversary!

    I loved Mexican Gothic, probably one of my favorites all year. :)

  11. Sounds like a pretty good month. That's great that you got to see both family and friends. Your family's Halloween event sounds like fun. Hunting for candy in the yard is definitely a creative way to keep it fun when trick or treating isn't really an option. We wore masks and handed out goodie bags of candy to the kids who came around but it wasn't nearly as many as usual. Maybe 35-40 rather than the usual 100+ kids we typically get.

    1. It really was a great month! We usually get a fair number of trick or treaters, I was a little surprised not to see anyone! My mom lives very close to us and she didn't get any either.

  12. That's great that you were able to get together with your former co-workers. I'm sure it was good to see them. Same for the family visit. Your weekend getaway sounds wonderful!

    1. Yeah, it was really nice to see everyone, the opportunities have been so few and far between.

  13. Looks like you had a great October, it's great that you got to have some fun and spend time with family and former coworkers! Sorry that there were no trick or treaters though, but luckily for the candy ;)

    1. Thankfully, I didn't buy any candy, because I knew I would eat all the leftovers!


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