
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Nonfiction November 2020: My Year in Nonfiction

Welcome to Nonfiction November, a month-long celebration of all things nonfiction!  This is my 4th year participating in this event, and I'm really excited to get started!  Week 1, hosted by Leann at Shelf Aware, is a look back at our year in nonfiction.  

We can all agree that this has been kind of a crazy year, and I've had to be purposeful in my nonfiction reading, because I've been craving light, fluffy romances all year.  Not that I've been forcing myself to read nonfiction, but I definitely have to keep reminding myself of all the great reads I have on my TBR.  I've read 16 nonfiction books this year, on a variety of topics.  My favorites have been:

Jenna Bush Hager's Everything Beautiful In Its Time is the one I would recommend the most - I love reading her family stories, and this collection is so powerful and emotional.

As always, what I hope to get out of Nonfiction November is more titles to add to my TBR!  There are so many nonfiction books out there that I just don't know about, and I'm excited to get lots of recommendations.  My tentative TBR for the month includes the following books:

 Happy Nonfiction November!


  1. These are some awesome titles -- I've heard good things about the Jessica Simpson title.

  2. I enjoyed Splendid and the Vile so much. It was a great book about making through difficult times.

  3. I've eyed Letters From an Astrophysicist for a while. I definitely need to get around to buying and reading it.

    1. It was so good, I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  4. I need to read more non fiction. I'd like to get back into the biographies I used to read.

  5. It has been a difficult year, thanks for sharing your favourites. I’m intrigued by How To Be A Tudor and looking forward to reading your thoughts about it.

  6. I have been gravitating towards more non-fiction audio books lately. You are the second person to recommend to Everything Beautiful. Will have to get my hands on a copy!

  7. I'm definitely eyeing Letters From an Astrophysicist. My 11yo and I reading his Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry as a read-aloud and his writing style is so engaging.

    1. Totally agree! And this one would be great for younger readers because of the format and topics!

  8. I downloaded the Jessica Simpson one - have heard great things about it!

    1. So, so good - I listened to the audiobook. I feel like we kind of grew up with her, so it was nice to get her side of the stories that I remember reading about in magazines.

  9. Ooo I need the one about the guy who was attacked by a bear!

  10. Yeah, Nonfiction November is tough this year! I’m reading Radium Girls right now, which is really good, but I have to keep putting it down because it’s depressing when combined with general life stuff. I don’t know if I want to read about disease and powerless women.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It really was a hard read, but those women were so strong!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Twenty-Ninth Day looks so good, but also terrifying!

  12. I really enjoyed Ali Wong's book, which I listened to on audio. It was a nice break from more serious nonfiction! I've always wanted to read something by Erik Larson, but Devil in the White City seemed too disturbing to me. I'm glad to see you recommend this one. People seem to love all his books.

    1. I listened to Ali Wong's book on audio; it's definitely my preference for memoirs! I've loved every book I've read by Erik Larson; he has such a wide range of topics, you're sure to find one you enjoy!

  13. How to be a Tudor! Adding that one to my TBR pile now.


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