
Monday, June 1, 2020

Month in Review: May 2020

Hmm... what can I say about May?  It was such a quiet month!  Between working, reading, and going for walks, there wasn't a whole lot else!  My new job has been going ok.  It's been interesting doing all my training through Skype.  Thankfully, my sister has been really patient with me, since whenever I have a question, I immediately call her!  There is still so much to learn, though.

We did another Zoom birthday singalong, this time for my 93-year-old grandfather.  We had even more family on the call this time, so that was really fun! 

We've been attempting to do some yardwork, but I am realizing that even after a couple years living in this house, I still don't have a knack for it.  Our landscaping looks out of control!  And I haven't gone out to get flowers for our pots yet, so it's looking a little bare. 

We watched way too much TV this month - we've gone through both seasons of Jack Ryan, and now we've become obsessed with The Great British Baking Show.  I love a good reality competition show, and everyone on this one is just so pleasant.  It's the perfect show to watch during these weird times! 

It's hard to believe we've been home for well over two months now.  It doesn't even seem weird anymore.  Honestly, it's nice having all this time with Tom.  Our schedules are normally very off (he leaves for work super early, so he goes to bed early), so it's been really great to spend more time together.  I know we'll be going back to work sooner rather than later, so I'm just very grateful and taking advantage of it while I can. 

The Books

Bellewether // Of Curses and Kisses (audio) // Husband Material // The Girl Who Reads on the Metro

With a Twist (review to come) // The Last Anniversary // Regretting You (review to come) // The Duke and I (thank you to Christina at Confessions of a Book Addict for the recommendation!)

When We Left Cuba (audio) // You Asked for Perfect // Fairest of All // Meg & Jo (review to come)

Winter (reread) // Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl (review to come) // Open Book (audio) // No Winter Lasts Forever (review to come)

How The Penguins Saved Veronica (review to come) // Virginia and The Vagabond (review to come) // We Came Here to Shine (review to come) // Across Time (review to come)

Blood Orange

The Posts and Reviews

So, how are YOU doing?


  1. It's always nice to see The Lunar Chronicles pop up on other blogs. I LOVED the series!

  2. Cannot wait to read your review of Virginia and The Vagabond!!

  3. It must be really strange to start a new job in isolation. So, are you working with your sister? If so, that's awesome! My sister doesn't really bother with me, but I know you are close with yours.

    1. Yes, she works at the same company, but doing something completely different. Still, she knows pretty much everything, so she's my go-to if I have a question, which is often!

  4. I know it's so weird to be in a new job like this, but i hope it's going as well as can be!

  5. Looks like you had an amazing book month! Nice that the new job is going okay. I'm sure your grandfather appreciated the birthday sing-along.

    1. I think he did - he's a pretty quiet guy, but he was smiling!

  6. Totally agree with this situation just feeling like then norm now; I do feel like when things revert back, it may be an adjustment, just as this was in the first place. Being thankful and appreciating the little positives that have come from the situation are definitely a great thing to do.

    Another great thing is your book count for the month - go you! Love all the colour in the covers also.

    Happy reading in June!

    1. Thanks, Jade! Yes, it's going to be a big adjustment to actually going to work in an office and commuting after not doing so for so long!

  7. wow, that was a lot of books! I hope you also have a great reading month in June

  8. Glad your new job is going well. That must be tough starting a new one and having to train over skype!

    It's the same way here with landscaping. There's a lot in the front and it takes SO much work. It's like you can never do enough, it grows too fast lol.

    That is one thing that's been nice about stay-at-home. Being able to actually spend time with people!

    1. Thanks, Greg! It's been hard at times, but my new co-workers have all been great.

      OMG, the weeds just get out of control!

  9. Starting a new job remotely sounds like a pretty challenging experience. I'm glad it's going well though and that your sister is there to help. I know what you mean about being used to being at home though. I think I'm really going to struggle when it's finally time to go back into the office.

    1. I know! Like, I've never actually commuted to this new office before, so that is going to be a big change.

  10. It sounds like you have been quite busy on top of starting a new job! I am jealous of all the reading that you have done. Meg and Jo is one book that I have had my eye on and I can't wait to find out what you think. Stay well! :)

  11. What a great month in reading! I loved Regretting You. The dual POV between mother and daughter made for such a good story. I’ve had Across Time on my TBR For a while now. I’ll be interested to see your review.

  12. You had such a full month, Angela! So many great books!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! It was a good reading month!

  13. I just picked up "Husband Material" because it sounds cute, and want to read "Of Curses and Kisses" too. It seems like it could be a fun B&TB re-telling. :)

  14. You've read a lot of books! None that I've tried, but several look good. Hope June is just as good for you. And, yes, I think it's a little weird that I've gotten used to all this for the most part. Ha!

  15. I’m glad the new job has been going well! It is weird to think how long we’ve been stuck in the house. I have a routine, and the days just kind of melt together. I hope you have a good June!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! I know, I can't believe it's been almost 2.5 months already!

  16. Ooo Blood Orange is SUCH a twisted story! Interested to hear what you think of it.

    And I adore Winter. I really want to re-read TLC sometime. That series is just so wonderful.

    1. Yes, I love The Lunar Chronicles! Glad I finally finished my reread.

      Twisted is definitely a good way to describe Blood Orange! I had some suspicions about one character in particular and I was on the right track!

  17. I wasn't too fond of Of Curses and Kisses, but I hope you enjoyed it. Hope you have a good June <3

    1. Thanks, Alicia! Unfortunately, I was disappointed by it!

  18. The Zoom birthday sing along you and your family did for your grandfather, sounded to sweet!

    I love watching The Great British Baking Show too. It always puts me in a happy mood. And it makes me hungry lol.

    Happy June.

  19. I know how you feel when you say staying home doesn't feel weird anymore! I'm actually enjoying it too, and it'll be weird to get back into a normal rhythm again so even though I'm looking forward to it too, I'm also enjoying it as much as possible :) I'm happy to hear your new job is going well! Looks like you had a great reading month as well - I'm hoping to read some Staci Hart soon. Hope you'll have an awesome June!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to my new commute when we finally go back to the office!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!