
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Last 10 Books I DNFed

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is the last ten books we abandoned.  DNFing can be a controversial habit, but it's one I'm all for - there's no sense in wasting my time on a story that I'm not enjoying.  Here are the last 10 books I didn't finish:

Do you DNF?  What was the last you didn't finish?


  1. I definitely find myself DNFing more and more than I used to. The Enigma Game was one that I had to give up on. I am surprised to see 99 Percent Mine on your list. I will go into it with low expectations. ;)

    1. I definitely have little patience for things that aren't grabbing me right away!

  2. Great list! Sorry to hear these books didn't work for you - I've heard nothing but good things about The Flat Share, so it's quite refreshing to see it on a DNF list for a change!

    1. Haha, yeah, I felt a little bad about DNFing that one, considering all the love for it, but the audiobook was just awful.

  3. 99 Percent was pretty awful for me too. I just couldn't get behind the female character. I did however adore The FLatshare!

    1. I just had no idea what was going on in 99 Percent, and yeah, the MC was pretty cringey.

  4. I started The Flatshare but I wasn't getting into it but I'd still like to read it another time. I've been eyeing More Than Words because I LOVED Jill Santopolo's other book but the reviews pushed me not to read it (but I'm still considering it).

    1. I feel like I might go back to The Flatshare at some point, in print instead of audio, but I'm not totally sure. Me and Jill Santopolo's books don't seem to get along!

  5. I have the same approach to DNF'ing. Why read something that doesn't work for you?! There are so many other books in the world that will suit you better. :)

    My TTT .

  6. I've seen 99 Percent Mine on more than one list today. Not a lot of love for that one. The Flatshare was okay but I had expected to really love it.

    1. Ok, good, now I don't feel so bad about either of those books!

  7. I didn't DNF any of these, but I read 99 Percent Mine and The Flatshare. I liked them both. It took a while for me to warm up to Darcy in 99 Percent, but I ended up liking the book quite a bit

    1. Yeah, I think she was just bugging me too much early on, I couldn't deal!

  8. I struggled with Ever Alice, I did finish it but I wish I hadn't!
    My TTT:

  9. I'm glad to see a few on your DNF list that got nothing but rave reviews in my circles. It's always hard to not like a book that has the hype.

    My TTT:

    1. I know! Which is why I'm always hesitant to read hyped books, because more often than not, I'm the only person that doesn't like them!

  10. It's a bummer to DNF but unfortunately we can't like every book, right? Better to just move on sometimes. :)

  11. I get 99 Percent Mine. It was no Hating Game. I did end up liking it for the most part. I think it's because I read a bunch of bad reviews and had no expectations, though.

    1. Haha, yeah, lowered expectations can help sometimes! I hadn't read The Hating Game, so I was new to the author.

  12. Ooh The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books has such a pretty cover--I always feel extra bad when a book I'm DNFing has a beautiful cover for some reason? Which doesn't make any sense, haha! I almost DNFed Ever Alice a few times, and I've started The Winter Soldier a few times without ever finishing it also, haha.

    1. I know, and I really wanted to like Catalogue because the subject was so interesting!

      Haha, now I don't feel so bad about The Winter Soldier!

  13. Oh no! Verify looks so good! I was really hoping that one would be interesting.

    1. I'm sure lots of other people will like it, it could have just been me!

  14. I've heard people say they did not enjoy this Sally Thorne book, so not entirely surprised to see it here.

    1. Yeah, I just randomly picked it up one day, hadn't really read any reviews!

  15. I was tempted to DNF The Flatshare, but pressed on. In the end I was glad I did, but it definitely wasn't as good as I anticipated.

  16. I was debating whether or not to read The Library of Lost and Found by Phaedra Patrick...

    Here's my TTT list.

  17. I actually took a couple of these off my TBR earlier this year because I wasn't interested in reading them anymore and after seeing your post, it sounds like I made the right call.

  18. I definitely didn't like 99 Percent Mine, so you didn't miss out on much! I did love The Flatshare eventually, but I remember almost DNF'ing it as well because I couldn't understand the male narrator of the audiobook at first.

    1. The male narrator was one of the major reasons I DNFed it!

  19. I still have "The Flatshare" on my list, but know some readers who just didn't love it. I would 100% agree though! DNF-ing is something readers should try to be okay with, because reading like this (fiction) should be enjoyable and if a reader doesn't like the book, then it's perfectly fine to mark it as a DNF and move on to something that will be good. :)

    1. Exactly! And if I'm not enjoying something, I'm probably skimming it, so how much am I getting out of it anyway?


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!