
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Paris Never Leaves You

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Paris Never Leaves You
Ellen Feldman
Expected publication date: June 2, 2020
Living through WWII working in a Paris bookstore with her young daughter, Vivi, and fighting for her life, Charlotte is no victim, she is a survivor. But can she survive the next chapter of her life?

Alternating between wartime Paris and 1950s New York publishing, Paris Never Leaves You is an extraordinary story of resilience, love, and impossible choices, exploring how survival never comes without a cost.

The war is over, but the past is never past. - from Goodreads
WWII setting, dual timelines, Paris, a bookstore??  I can't resist any of this!


  1. You had me at Paris bookstore. Any bookshop related books are an instant to-read for me!! :D

  2. Oh, dual timelines and a bookstore!

  3. The setting and the era of time sounds great!

  4. So many keywords here that check my boxes: WW II era, Paris, dual timeline. I'll be on the lookout for this one next month!

  5. I never realized how many WWII dual timeline books there were out there, but you seem to find them all. I liked the choice of both time periods though, lots of interesting historical events to use, and well, book store.

  6. WWII setting check, dual timelines check, Paris check, bookstore check. All things I love too! :D

  7. Oh this is the most perfect title! And what a blurb whew. Charlotte and Vivi sound like such survivors!!

  8. This sounds like a good solid read. Hope you love it!

  9. I hope you enjoy this one. I bet you are going to love the setting.


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