
Friday, May 15, 2020

Fiction/Nonfiction Mini-Reviews: The Out of This World Edition

Letters from an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson (2019)

In Letters From an Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson has handpicked 100 letters and emails received throughout his career and provided his responses to them. It’s a fun look at the types of things people want to ask or relay to a public figure, and they run the gamut from science to religion to life in general. Interestingly, many of the letters and questions don’t even pertain to his specialty of astrophysics. People look to him as a role model for their children, for example.  The letters and responses cover both heavy emotional topics (such as Tyson's memories of 9/11) to the kind of silly (such as why he believes Bigfoot does not exist).  The content felt a bit repetitive at times (he mentions several times that eyewitness testimony is unreliable) and a big focus of the letters was on religion (how people can reconcile faith and science, etc.), which wasn’t always that interesting to me. However, although blunt at times, Tyson’s witty, personable nature shines through in his responses, and it’s really cool to see how he engages with the public. 4 stars

Light From Other Stars by Erika Swyler (2019)

A thoughtful dual timeline science fiction story about space, time, and family relationships.

This was a gem of a book.  I didn't know a lot about the story going in, but I ended up really enjoying it.  In 1986, Nedda and her family are living in Easter, Florida.  Just after the Challenger tragedy, a project that Nedda's father was working on plunges the town into chaos.  In the future timeline, Nedda is an astronaut on a mission to help build a colony on a distant planet.   

The writing is beautiful, although in some places it felt a little high-brow for me.  But, it did help elevate this science fiction story into something more.  Nedda's father's project, a machine that manipulates time, is definitely in the sci-fi realm, but it's the reason he wants to create the machine and how he relates to his daughter that are at the heart of the story.  The pacing did feel a bit slow at times, but there are some interesting reveals near the end that make it worth sticking around.  4 stars


  1. I would love to read Letters from an Astrophysicist. I think I would find it super fascinating. Light From Other Stars sounds also great. And I love dual timelines! 😍

    1. They were both great reads that I think you would like!

  2. I'm glad you mentioned Light From Other Stars. I apparently picked it up several months ago and then forgot about it. I know it was the Challenger reference that initially pulled me in. I'll try to remember to read it before long.

  3. These both sound really good. I think Light From Other Stars is one I will be looking for at my library.

  4. I need to read a Neal deGrasse Tyson book. I have them on my TBR list, but for some reason, I never buy them.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I love NDT, and think he does a great job explaining science to people with varying backgrounds. I used clips of him all the time, when I taught astronomy.

    1. Yes, I'm definitely not a science-understanding person, and I've enjoyed his last two books.

  6. Look like interesting reads! I do like stories where there's a sci-fi element but the heart of the story remains the human relationships.

  7. I keep saying I'm going to try one of Neil deGrasse Tyson's books but never seem to get around to it. I think I need a nonfiction goal in 2021.

    1. This one and his last one are actually pretty short reads!

  8. Letters from an Astrophysicist sounds really interesting! I read his The Sky is Not the Limit years back and enjoyed his writing quite a bit. Light From Other Stars also sounds like something I would really like--it's been a long time since I've read anything from Erika Swyler, I should change that!

  9. I heard amazing things about Light From Other Stars by Erika Swyler, so awesome to hear you enjoyed it!


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