
Monday, May 18, 2020

Down The TBR Hole #11

Down the TBR Hole is a feature created by Lost in a Story (although the blog seems to be down recently).  I've seen it on a few other blogs and thought I would try it out myself!  It seems like a really good way to cull your TBR of those books you're no longer interested in.  So, how does it work?
  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Here are the books I'm looking at this time:

 The Arrangement by Robyn Harding

An art student falls in love with her sugar daddy, and when he ends the arrangement, she begins stalking him.  Hmm - pass!
The Book Charmer by Karen Hawkins

This story about a small town and the librarian who wields magic with books sounds perfect for book lovers!  Keep!
A Girl Named Anna by Lizzy Barber

A Girl Named Anna is the story of two girls, one whose sister went missing 15 years ago and one who has lived a strict and sheltered life for as long as she can remember.  I feel like I can guess too much of the story just from the blurb, so I think I'll pass on this one!
The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett

I've really enjoyed Jenn Bennett's books, and this historical fiction book about a young woman and her first love searching for her father, and a ring that may have belonged to Vlad the Impaler, sounds awesome!  Keep!
The Lying Room by Nicci French

A married woman finds her fling murdered, and she worries she will be implicated.  Eh, just not really grabbing me anymore.  Pass!
Sidelined by Suzanne Baltsar

This romance about a female football coach trying to prove herself to her male assistant coach sounds fun - keep!
 Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay

I cannot resist stories like this, that sound like they could be great movies - NYC is thrown into chaos when elevators in several high-rise buildings start plummeting to the ground, and the police have to try to find the person behind it.  Keep!

Have you read any of these?


  1. The Book Charmer and and A Girl Named Anna were so good and Sidelined was too!

  2. I am thinking of doing the audio for Bennett's book. I love her contemporaries, but have also enjoyed her Roaring Twenties books, which are historical-paranormal? I read and liked Sidelined. I know not everyone was as enchanted by it, but I really enjoyed it, and remember the book just flying by as I read it.

    1. Yeah, I feel like Sidelined could be a good light read.

  3. Haven't read any of these. Not really a surprise, I think. And wow, The Arrangement sounds kinda crazy and wild.

    1. Haha, I don't even know where some of these books come from!

  4. I've enjoyed what I've read by Jenn Bennett so far but I've been on the fence about The Lady Rogue. I'll let you read it first and be the guinea pig. LOL

  5. I own 2 or 3 of these, but I'm not really in the mood for any of them right now. Maybe in a few months.

    1. Yeah, I seem to be really picky about what I'm reading lately!

  6. The Book Charmr sounds like one I'd be interested in!

  7. This is one of my favorite posts that you do! I am constantly weeding through my TBR.

    1. Thank you! Yes, so do I, it can be really cathartic to purge books!

  8. I really enjoyed The Book Charmer and the Jenn Bennett book.

  9. I haven't read any of these! I would definitely keep The Book Charmer on my list as well. It sounds amazing. :)


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