
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: I Was Told It Would Get Easier

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

I Was Told It Would Get Easier
Abbi Waxman
Expected publication date: June 16, 2020
Squashed among a bus full of strangers, mother-daughter duo Jessica and Emily Burnstein watch their carefully mapped-out college tour devolve into a series of off-roading misadventures, from the USA Today bestselling author of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.

Jessica and Emily Burnstein have very different ideas of how this college tour should go.

For Emily, it’s a preview of freedom, exploring the possibility of her new and more exciting future. Not that she’s sure she even wants to go to college, but let’s ignore that for now. And maybe the other kids on the tour will like her more than the ones at school. . . . They have to, right?

For Jessica, it’s a chance to bond with the daughter she seems to have lost. They used to be so close, but then Goldfish crackers and Play-Doh were no longer enough of a draw. She isn’t even sure if Emily likes her anymore. To be honest, Jessica isn’t sure she likes herself.

Together with a dozen strangers–and two familiar enemies–Jessica and Emily travel the East Coast, meeting up with family and old friends along the way. Surprises and secrets threaten their relationship and, in the end, change it forever. - from Goodreads
I've really enjoyed Abbi Waxman's books, and this one about a mother-daughter duo on a road trip sounds just as heartfelt!


  1. "Squashed among a bus full of strangers..." Ah, the good old days. 😂

  2. I love the sound of this one!!

    My CWW

  3. I have this author on my radar to try and I think that this one sounds perfect for me! I love a road trip book. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  4. I loved Nina Hill, so thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  5. I am about halfway through this book, and as always, loving Waxman's humor. There is an interesting dynamic between Jessica and Emily, and I am hoping this college tour brings them closer together. Hope you enjoy it when you read it.

  6. A mother-daughter relationship *and* a road trip sounds like a recipe for success!

  7. This looks like a great read! I love a road trip novel!

    My CWW

  8. I like books with family relationships and road trips, so sounds good!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  9. I see we are on the same page today. :-) I am really looking forward to this one too! I hope we both love it when we read it.

  10. I recently picked this up but haven't gotten to it yet. I really enjoyed her last book and this one looks great.


  11. I love Abbi Waxman - her last two books were both 5 stars for me. Can't wait for this one!

  12. Ha this sounds fun and I love that title!

  13. This mother-daughter bonding trip sounds like fun, and on a college trip like this is such a different sort of premise for that bonding? I LOVE IT!

  14. Sounds like a book I need to read. Thanks.

  15. I did really love The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and this sounds like a fun read, so I'll need to check it out!

  16. I've been seeing this one around a lot so I'm thinking it's going to be pretty popular. I still need to read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill first though. Great choice!

  17. I'm excited for this one too. I love the idea of a mother-daughter bonding trip.

  18. This sounds like a great book to share with my mom! Adding it to the list. :)


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