
Friday, May 22, 2020

Quick Reviews: The Colleen Hoover Edition

Ok, so I am super-late to the Colleen Hoover bandwagon, but after amassing copies of several of her books, I finally dove in!

All Your Perfects (2018)

Quinn and Graham's relationship starts in the most unexpected of ways - they meet when their significant others are caught cheating on them.  Several years later, their own marriage is facing serious issues.

This is going to be a major spoiler, but I think it's an important trigger warning: this book is all about infertility.  I never would have known that from the blurb, and I kind of wish I had.  Told in alternating "then" and "now" chapters from Quinn's POV, the reader experiences the extreme highs of Quinn and Graham's early relationship and the serious lows they are facing after years of unsuccessfully trying for a baby.  It almost felt like emotional whiplash at times, but it also felt very honest and raw.  I honestly didn't know how this story would end - it's obvious that Quinn and Graham have something special, but it's been eroded so much and Quinn seems ready to give up.  This definitely isn't a light read, and I think Hoover did a great job in exploring all the feelings related to infertility.  4 stars

 It Ends With Us (2016)

Lily and Ryle are caught up in a whirlwind romance, but when Lily's first love, Atlas, returns to her life, her relationship is put to the ultimate test.

I went into this book pretty blind, but as soon as we meet Ryle, I had a bad feeling about him.  Trigger warning: domestic violence.  Colleen Hoover never seems to shy away from tough topics, and I thought her treatment of domestic abuse was heartbreaking, honest, and delicate.  It was interesting to see Lily finding herself in the same position as her own abused mother, and I think the way she tries to justify Ryle's actions and her own behavior is probably very common.  I was rooting for Lily the whole time; you could really see her struggling with her feelings, especially knowing her history.  I thought the relationship and everything that happened just felt too quick, and although I respected the decisions Lily ultimately made for herself, I actually could have done without the epilogue.  4 stars

 Verity (2018)

Struggling author Lowen is hired to complete the final books in a series by Verity Crawford, a popular author, after Verity is injured.  While working in Verity's office, Lowen finds a document in which she makes some disturbing confessions about her children.

This book felt very different from the Colleen Hoover books I've read previously - more thriller, less romance - and I really enjoyed it!  I liked the way Hoover incorporated parts of Verity's autobiography; I kept wondering if it was actually true or if there would be some twist later.  I think overall the thriller vibe of the story felt a bit over-the-top; Lowen's reactions to things, her fear and discomfort, seemed too strong and too quick sometimes.  The fact that she was also an unreliable narrator added to this.  Yet at the same time, I couldn't stop reading - I needed to know what would happen next, to Lowen, to Verity, to Verity's son Crew and her husband, Jeremy.  There was definitely something weird going on in that house!  4 stars


  1. I've only read It Ends With Us but I enjoyed it also. I used to read CoHo's books whenever a new one released but in the last few years I've gotten a little behind.

  2. Love this post with a trio of CoHo reviews. She is probably my favorite author and I think I've read all but maybe two of her books. All Your Perfects was a tough read. Raw described it well. It was emotionally draining at time. It Ends With Us was so powerful. I didn't pick up on anything with Ryle at the beginning so my heart kind of broke right along with Lily's. Verity was definitely a departure from her usual stuff and it messed with my mind but I loved it. :)

    1. Thanks, Tanya! Yes, All Your Perfects was really emotionally draining. Verity was a great departure!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just recently have gotten into Colleen Hoover and now I anxiously await each new release. Her books all seem to be very different too.

  4. All Your Perfects was such a heart-wrenching audio book. I really want to read Verity next. It sounds really good!

  5. Hoover writes such amazing books. I have 2 of these sitting in my kindle and I really need to get to reading them and soon from the sounds of your reviews!

  6. I've only tried one Colleen Hoover Book (it was something about Merit, I think), and it was a flop for me. I DNFd it and haven't tried another book by the author, even though I keep telling myself I need to. People love her books, and I think I just started with the wrong one. ;)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Oh, that's kind of a bummer - I hope you have better luck next time!

  7. Great post! I have to admit I only read one Colleen Hoover book so far and didn't like it (Ugly Love) so I've been struggling with whether or not I should give her books another chance. Glad to hear you enjoyed these though, maybe I'll give It Ends With Us a chance as it sounds painful but an intriguing read.

  8. I love her book so much I find it hard to let myself read them and not save them! Great thoughts, Angela!

  9. It Ends with Us was typical heart wrenching CoHo, but it was reading why she wrote this book, that hit me even harder.

  10. I haven't tried one of Hoover's books yet but have collected all of these on my kindle after seeing so many great reviews for them. I'm glad to hear they were all solid reads for you.

  11. These all sound really wonderful, but gosh Verity does have my attention with the thriller angle.

  12. All 4 star reads! Thats great. I'm looking forward to reading all of these books.


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