
Friday, May 8, 2020

April Quick Reviews

Here are some mini-reviews for a couple of the books I read in April!

Wasted Words by Staci Hart (2016)

Two roommates (a big, brawny ex-football player and a tiny, delicate bookworm) friend-zone each other until they finally admit their feelings.  This was a cute, fluffy romance, and sometimes you just need that!  If you love bookworm characters like I do, you'll love Cam.  Tyler was the perfect book boyfriend, manly but also a softy at times.  I think this book had some good messages about how having a "type" when it comes to relationships can make you miss out on someone great, although at times it relied heavily on cliches and stereotypical characters, and Cam's self-doubt when it came to Tyler was too over-the-top.  Overall, though, a fun friends-to-lovers romance!  4 stars

 I'm Fine and Neither Are You by Camille (2019)

Penelope is overwhelmed with her life - two rowdy children, a career she's good at but doesn't love, and a husband who's perpetually underemployed.  When tragedy strikes her best friend's family, she realizes she needs to make changes in her own life.

I found this book to be so relatable.  I think many of us are just kind of getting through the daily grind, and too often it takes something momentous to make us really take a hard look at our lives.  In the wake of tragedy, Penelope realizes she needs to make honesty a priority in all areas of her life, deal with her issues, and find out what makes her truly happy.  I love

A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier (2017)

Seventeen-year-old Sophie is an intern at a luxury hotel in the Swiss Alps.  She's just trying to get her duties done (and maybe flirt a little), when she gets swept up in the lives of the guests and finds herself on a bit of an adventure.

I thought this was a super cute book that would be perfect to read on a snowy day.  I loved the hotel setting and learning a little about the ins and outs of working at such a place.  There were quite a few characters, between the employees and the guests, but it never really got confusing - each character was very unique.  I felt like this trended towards the younger end of YA; Sophie and a lot of the other teenage characters acted very young, from the childish bullying and name-calling they used.  The pacing was, unfortunately, pretty bad.  I kept waiting for something big to happen, and it took until nearly the end of the book. But, if you're looking for an easy, quick, sweet read, try this one.  4 stars


  1. Wasted Words sounds so cute and I was totally looking for a new great friends-to-lovers romance so added to my TBR! I'm Fine and Neither Are You does sound really relatable and thought-provoking.

  2. I really want to read Wasted Words. Some of my favorite bookish friends have enjoyed it and now you too. So really gotta try to bump it up a bit!

  3. What a great bunch of books for you. I had downloaded Wasted Words, and am glad to hear it was a success for you. Light and fluffy is my favorite, so I know I will enjoy it.

    1. Yeah, Staci Hart's books have been good for that!

  4. Three 4-star reads is great! I've been meaning to read something by Staci Hart for ages.

    1. I've read a couple of her books this year, and I've enjoyed them!

  5. Ohh I like the sound of a story set in the Swiss Alps. Too bad it wasn't better executed.

    1. Yeah - it was a cute book, but I was hoping for something more.

  6. Wasted words was my first Staci Hart book and it won't be my last - I really enjoyed it!

  7. These all sound great. I'm Fine and Neither Are You definitely sounds very relatable.

  8. Castle in the Clouds kinda caught my eye with the Swiss Alps thing.

  9. These are such perfect, light reads. I would gladly read any of them!

    1. They were all perfect for these crazy times!

  10. I really enjoyed "A Castle in the Clouds." It is a bit slow-moving, but I appreciated that it was just a cute read without the need to be something "big" or grand as those can sometimes disappoint in their buildup (like the "twist," or secret reveal, etc.). Glad you enjoyed it - and I agree! It'd be a great snow day read.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!