
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Month in Review: August 2019

August was a pretty busy month!  We attended not one, but two baptisms - for our nieces that were born earlier this year.  It's always such a nice time to get together with family and celebrate!

For Tom's birthday, we headed to Philadelphia to see the Marvel exhibit at the Franklin Institute.  It was so cool!  Not only did they have all this stuff about the comic books, but they also had a ton of movie props and costumes - it was so neat to be able to see the actual costumes that the actors wore in the movies.

Summer hours have come to an end at work.  I'll admit, I'll miss having Friday afternoons off and being able to go on day dates with Tom, but it'll be nice getting home earlier during the rest of the week.

At the end of the month, we, along with my sister and her family, trekked to Williamsburg, Virginia for a much-needed and long-awaited vacation!  We had a great time, and I'll be recapping our trip in a future post!

The Books

Thank you to Susie at Novel Visits for the recommendation of Southern Lady Code!

The Picture of Dorian Gray // Wallis in Love (review to come) // Warcross (audio) // The Bookish Life of Nina Hill

Salt to the Sea // The Poacher's Son // A Clash of Kings (reread, #IronThroneReadalong) // The Kingdom (review to come)


  1. You have been busy this month! I still want to get to Nina Hill soon -- that one has been getting such good reviews!

  2. You had an amazing month, Angela! I look forward to your Williamsburg recap!

  3. I'm absolutely thrilled that fall is coming!

    1. Me, too! Had my first pumpkin spice of the season today!

  4. I’m beyond excited for fall. Summer was exhausting. I’m ready for things to slow down and cool off. It sounds like you did a lot of fun stuff in August, though. I hope you have a good September!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Salt to the Sea was such a good book! I think it's more than two years ago that I read it, and I still remember :)

  6. You read some great books in August and it sounds that your travels were lots of fun. Yes, looking forward to changes that fall brings - not necessarily so much in weather for us, but activities.

    1. Yes, I always feel like doing more outdoors when the weather cools off a bit.

  7. I'm glad your trip to Philadelphia was a good one.

  8. You read so many books in August! And the Marvel exhibit sounds like a lot of fun.

  9. Ahh yay for vacation and small trips this last August, nothing like that to break the routine :) I'm so happy you had a lovely month, Angela, and you've read so many books, wow! I hope you enjoyed Opposite of Always, I had a lot of fun with this one :)
    Have a wonderful September <3

    1. Thanks, Marie! Yes, I was so glad to get away. I started a new job earlier in the year and didn't have vacation time for awhile!

  10. Our summer hours were just leaving 30 mins early on Friday, but it was nice, since the summer was so slow. I didn't know about that exhibit at the Franklin Institute. It's a long time since I visited. You read some of my faves (Nina, Opposite of Always, Once Day in December, Warcross). I hope they were good for you.

    1. Nina was so charming, and One Day in December was definitely a five-star read for me.

  11. I'm sad about our summer hours ending last week too but am definitely ready for some fall weather. Wow, you got a lot of reading done even with all of that traveling. Impressive!

    1. I am so ready for fall! I didn't think I read that much, so I was pleasantly surprised when I wrote it all out!

  12. Williamsburg sounds awesome- glad you guys had a nice vacation!

    I love the look of One Day in December. That cover art style always appeals to me. Hope it was good!

  13. Wow! Two baptisms??? Congratulations! You have been busy and so many books still! VERY IMPRESSED!

  14. wow, great months!! I need to try War Cross. My recap is here:

  15. Yay for a wonderful vacation! So glad it was lovely :)

    Can't wait to read your review of The Kingdom! I'm dying to know what you thought.

    1. Thanks, Amy!

      My review is coming up this week!

  16. I can't believe how quickly August flew by!! And now September too! I hope you're having a great month so far :)


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