
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Blog Break + What I'll Be Reading

Hi, everyone!  Just a quick post today to let you know that I'll be stepping away from the blog for about a week because Tom and I will be taking a long-awaited vacation!  Picking out what books I'll be bringing with me is just as important as remembering to pack underwear and sunscreen, so here's what I'll be reading during my break:


I'm reading Anne of Green Gables on the Serial Reader app, so I'll be continuing with my daily snippet of that. 

I'll use the long car ride to finish up my audiobook, Opposite of Always.


I've been wanting to reread The Runaway Princess for awhile now, so I'm going to bring that along with Cress.  I started a reread of The Lunar Chronicles last year and still haven't finished; now seems like a good time to continue it!

See you in September!


  1. I looove picking out books for a trip! I swear, I turn it into this big thing... like it's a life-altering decision. LOL Hope you have a fabulous vacation and enjoy all your reads! :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  2. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation! Enjoy the re-read of TLC - I was re-reading Cress last night and it's such an amazing, fun book :)

  3. I hope you have an amazing vacation with some great reads!

  4. Have a wonderful holiday (and reading!)

  5. Enjoy your vacation! I hope you get lots of reading and relaxing done.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Enjoy your vacation! :) I hope you get to relax and read some good books.

  7. Enjoy your vacations!!! And your reads too. :)

  8. Hope you and Tom have a fantastic vacation!

  9. Yeah for a long awaited vacation! Have a fantastic time. What, only one audiobook? I usually need at least two for the car ride.

    1. Haha, don't worry, I started another one on the way home!

  10. I hope you have an amazing vacation. Can't wait to hear about it, and I hope you enjoy Opposite of Always. It's a favorite of mine.

  11. Hope you have a wonderful vacation! Sounds like you have some great reading planned for the trip. That Anne of Green Gables cover is gorgeous (not sure if that's the cover for the version on the serial app or if you just used it, but either way, it's beautiful)!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That was just a cover I found on Amazon, it was so pretty!

  12. If this is your first read of Anne of Green Gables, you are in for SUCH a treat!

    Enjoy your vacation. :)

  13. I still need to read Opposite of Always! I hope we both love it. Cress was one of my favorites! I really loved her interactions with a certain someone. I hope you have a lovely vacation! I never seem to get any reading done on ours, haha.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Thanks, Lindsi! Haha, I didn't get as much done as I planned!

  14. I've been loving all of your vacation photos. Glad to see you all had a great time in Williamsburg. I went to college there and have always loved the area.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! It's such a beautiful place!

  15. I hope you've had a wonderful time! From your Instagram, it looks like it.

  16. I hope you had an amazing trip!!!! And I hope you enjoyed all your reading while you were there too! I should have listened to more Audiobooks while I was away as there was a couple of opportunities there, but unfortunately I so rarely listen to them I just wasn't organised at all.

    1. We had a great time! I didn't get as much reading done as I thought I would, but I did spend a lot of time reading with my niece!

      I was glad I had the Libby app on my phone because I could just pick out an audiobook for the car without any advance planning!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!